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(short)Guide: bleepingcomputer.com


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I wanted to download AdwCleaner from Bleepingcomputer... but the download in the online Database didnt work (session id in the download link -.-")


so i tried to resolve it by myself...

This Solution should work for every Link on bleepingcomputer.com :)


First we have the link to the software


and the download link



because there is a session link in the download we can't use the direkt link :-(


so i juggle around with google and this forum ;)

https://ketarin.org/forum/topic/3506-download-variable/ here where a very good RegEx postet (Regex: [^ "'<>\*]+\.exe)

i used that in a shorted form



so this one generates a valid download link :) for adwcleaner


next one is the Version ;)

for that is used the "Content from URL" stuff

Just use the link to the software and after load the source mark <span itemprop="softwareVersion"> as start and </span> as end.



so we got the versionnumber between them


The last steps are using {url} as Download surce and version as indicator for changes :)

(can't add screenshots for that ^^ "You have exceeded your allotted disk space for attachments" but that point should be clear)

Thats it.

name your package, Ok, finished ^^


Any Suggestions? Improvements?

(Sry i'm not a native english speaker ^^)

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  • 9 years later...

Welcome aboard @Novae7 - great to have you here. Thank you for your contribution.

With Bleeping Computer not every download has a version number, so I use the date ("{yyyy}.{MM}.{dd}") for the ones that don't, like FRST.

I usually parse for the redirect, too. On the /dl/# page I use this regex pattern:


That captures the redirect from the download page so you can get the actual file URL.


Finally, because Bleeping Computer uses these session/temporary download URLs, I then upload the file to one of my servers using a static URL so I can automate downloading it on client devices. I use curl & ftp for that with the following syntax in the "execute after downloading" command:

curl --ssl-reqd -T "{file}" ftp://user:pass@server:port/path/


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