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I may be new around here (the forums) but I've been using Ketarin off and on for a while. I'm not sure about how feasible (or easy) it would be to do this, but one thing that I would like to see from Ketarin is a workable CLI. I work for a computer repair shop that often sets up computers. We have a "Prep Script" that we run to install the apps we would like onto the machine as well as do some OEM branding, etc. I haven't looked much into this newest version of Ketarin to see if it can do what I would like without needing CLI, but so far We've had to manually update the packages for this script. I'm in the process of trying to fully automate it as far as download the freshes packages to our flash drives then run them completely silent (I know Ketarin can, do this, to a degree).


Beyond the CLI for prep script, it could easily integrate into doubling on the second script I plan on creating for my company; a sem-automated virus removal tool. Currently, for the tools I typically use (ComboFix, SDFix, Smitfraud, AVG, etc) I use wget to pull the files to my flash drive and then call another script to copy the files over to the customer's PC...

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I have been doing this very thing for my business for months now Jager in a slightly different fashion. I use copy, delete, move, 7-zip extract and Universal Extractor commands with Ketarin variables to keep an 'Install Cache' folder current on my FreeNAS server which is synched with my thumb drives and subsequently used for diagnostics, setup and repair of PCs and Linux boxes. You can piece this ability together through referring to the 'Tips and Tutorials' section of the forum and searching related keywords on the forum. It will take some time but it is well worth the effort. ;)

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