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Everything posted by leeonell

  1. Hello Floele, I worked on your source code and it seems that lack the structure (maybe index, trigger too?) for the table app_deleted, could you provide it them too ? Thanks in advance. There is a moderator part on your system ? according to the comment in the code.
  2. Hello floele, Cool personally, I'm interested by the source. How do you want provide it ? under what conditions ?
  3. Thanks Etz, you are right it's enough for simple usage. It was also to know if the server part is or can be open source like the Client.
  4. Hello, Just by curiosity, maybe a silly question, ketarin is open source but the online database server not? If I want my self-hosted database server to synchronise specific config there is no source for this part ? Instead to exchange xml file between computers. thanks for your lights.
  5. Hello, It seems there is a problem with the management of column order. I have the problem on Windows 7 and 10, an example: If I had more columns, I also have the column "Progress" which wanders between other columns. Very Strange, did you have the same behaviour ? Thanks for your help
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