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Everything posted by Bunny

  1. I've tried call and start. call does nothing. start gives a cmd window saying the folder is being used by another process which I assume is Ketarin. The batch file works when started outside of Ketarin. Any other way to start a batch file from another batch file? With and without start at the beginning and correcting the 7zc spelling error. it did nothing.
  2. I know that. I tried it with and without it and it made no difference. empty or full it had no effect on the folder. outside of Ketarin RD works like it's supposed to.
  3. It doesn't matter if it's there or not. RD just doesn't work for some reason.
  4. I'm trying to delete a folder after the contents have been moved, but the RD command doesn't delete the folder. I can create a batch file with the RD command and it works. These are the installion commands. START "" /B /MIN /WAIT "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Utility icons\Ketarin-1.7.0\Apps\Art\7z.exe" x "{file}" -bd -o"C:\Users\User\Desktop\Utility icons\Ketarin-1.7.0\Apps\Art\aaa\" -y CD "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Utility icons\Ketarin-1.7.0\Apps\Art\aaa\blender-*-win64" RD "C:\Users\User\Desktop\My stuff\Art Tutorials\Art\Blender Dev" xcopy /y /S /Q *.* "C:\Users\User\Desktop\My stuff\Art Tutorials\Art\Blender Dev\" rd "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Utility icons\Ketarin-1.7.0\Apps\Art\aaa" /s /q I've tried start and call to start the batch file when the folder should be deleted and they didn't work. Have I missed something?
  5. I've had Ketarin for a few days and for the most part it's been easy to set up, but I'm having trouble with one webage. it's the latest svn build for PCSX2 page. This is the dwnload page - http://buildbot.orphis.net/pcsx2/index.php This is the download link - http://buildbot.orphis.net/pcsx2/index.php?m=get&rev=v1.2.1-586-gf287754&platform=windows-x86 This is the part of the link that changes with each revision posted broken down to give more information about it. v1.2.1 Version number. 586 This increases by 1 everytime a new revision is posted whether there is a download link. as far as I can tell it only shows up on the download page. g The g is always there and is not part of the githud commit number. as far as I can tell it only shows up on the download page. f287754 This is the first 7 characters of the githud commit number. How would I set this up to downlaod the latest build?
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