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  1. Maybe this will help those who have older adapter, or who need a driver for other operating systems. I apologize for the translation of Google. Request Format: http://www.nvidia.ru/Download/processDriver.aspx?psid=[value]&pfid=[value]&osid=[value]&lid=[value]〈=ru psid - Index Series pfid - index of the family osid - index OS lid - the index language Steps: Find the ID type of products from xml-specification at: http://www.nvidia.ru/Download/API/lookupValueSearch.aspx?TypeID=1 Substitute the value found in the "ParentID" query on xml-specification product line at: http://www.nvidia.ru/Download/API/lookupValueSearch.aspx?TypeID=2&ParentID=[value] Obtain "psid". Substitute the value "psid" in "ParentID" query on xml-specification product family at: http://www.nvidia.ru/Download/API/lookupValueSearch.aspx?TypeID=3&ParentID=[value] Obtain "pfid" Find the ID of the operating system from the xml-spec at: http://www.nvidia.ru/Download/API/lookupValueSearch.aspx?TypeID=4 Obtain "osid". Find a language identifier of the xml-spec at: http://www.nvidia.ru/Download/API/lookupValueSearch.aspx?TypeID=5 Obtain the "lid". Example: The answer to this query: http://www.nvidia.ru/Download/processDriver.aspx?psid=1&pfid=5&osid=19&lid=16〈=ru will link: http://www.nvidia.ru/object/win7-winvista-64bit-270.61-whql-driver-ru.html Treating it with a regex-expression was a link to download the necessary files installed graphics driver Type GeForce 8 series, a family of 8600 Windows 7 x64 Russian version. http://ru.download.nvidia.com/Windows/270.61/270.61-desktop-win7-winvista-64bit-international-whql.exe
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