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Posts posted by crrodriguez

  1. Fixed.. sorry for not noticing.. currently we are running without a system that notifies impending certificate expiration.. if it is any consolation, it happened to Apple, a multi billion dollar corporation few weeks ago and all the update services 's customers were locked out.  :wacko:  

  2. Assuming the login cookie remembers login for long enough period that should not be a problem to enter the password once or twice a month.


    So how long do i stay logged in before the cookie expires?

    Looking at the cookies im guessing it's one of these dates when the cookie expires and i have to login again: 14,18 or 23 October.

    Logged in on 9th October.


    3 days, this is valid, if and only if


    - This soon to be replaced server does not crash, because if it does, the session information, which might be stored in volatile (RAM) storage is gone foreva (though Im seeing now IPB stores session info in database, dunnno to which extent though)





  3. Hello crrodriguez, yes SNI seems to be the problem but I got that message while using/testing Convergence, a Firefox addon. If you are interested, this is my report and feedback from them https://github.com/moxie0/Convergence/issues/95


    Yeah, interesting ;) however there is nothing we can do about it.


    When we deployed SSL in this server we tried to not use SNI (to avoid this special virtualhost for IE-winxp users) , however the non-SNI way requires one IP address per ssl-virtualhost and as you may already know, the world ran out of IPv4 allocation space a while ago, making our ISP reluctant to assign more than 1 IP address per server ...


    We can provide fallback only to cdburnerxp.se 's forums (noob IE-winXP users are somehow still around there :-D )

  4. The browser you are using is likely miscompiled and lacks of SNI (Server Name Indication ) support http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication , which is used in this server for all SSL domains except forum.cdburnerxp.se , which is the default ssl host in case cdburnerxp users are running broken browsers like IE6/IE7 in windows XP which does not support this feature.


    All other browsers including Firefox, Chrome, Opera, etc should work on any OS version as well IE on Vista and later.

  5. Either way, what I would prefer is simply having a script block like "after updating an application" but with something like "after an update raises errors". This can be automated to send email, run a script or create a log or whatever based on the current variable values which is what I really want access to.


    Yeah, that makes more sense. If any of you have hacking abilities, please send a source code patch ! , afaik floele is pretty busy at the moment, dunno if he has time to implement this.


    I only do *nix programming :-D

  6. Another user notified me that an app that i claimed i updated is not available in online database.

    So i checked and re-checked.Everything ok on my end.He too checked and indeed it seems no changes to app profiles are passed along.


    Can anyone else confirm?

    Check an app you know you updated and see if the online database holds the same version.


    Either way loooks like anothor bug to me.Sometimes it seems the online database is the buggiest component and Ketarin itself is rock solid compared to that :D


    I have made some modifications now, the xml_rpc backend is not very reliable and breaks on every single update, can you try now ? I updated both the code and the underlying library ...

  7. HSTS is still a draft. Not that it's not an important step forward, it's just not a standard. All the same, you can force SSL with any client using:

    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
    RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}


    That's exactly the way it is implemented already ;)

  8. Finally No Internet Explorer version supports HTTP Strict Transport Security, only Chrome and Firefox, so IE users wont benefit from it, the relevant HTTP header is ignored and does nothing :-(


    I hope someday MS fixes their stuff to behave sanely, experience tells me it is not going to happend :-P


    Main site appears over SSL for me too at any time no matter if i open it directly or trough the forum.



    That is expected, proper browsers "remember" that the domain "ketarin.org" (not subdomains) is to be accessed over SSL,but only if you have visited a part of the site that demands SSL (like the forum) currently for 6 months (unless you delete your browser cache)


    This is because your browser may send cookies over plain HTTP and break all application-side safe-guards.. :-) however cookies of this forum are currently being marked as "secure" hence no well behaving browser will send them in a plain text connection.


    Only the Wiki is not in SSL yet: http://wiki.ketarin.org/index.php/Ketarin_Wiki


    Only the main domain is available over SSL for now, the wiki is not, but may be in the future.

  10. Hi:


    Sysadmin here :) We have enabled SSL in the website, and it is mandatory for the forum but optional in the main site.


    This is intented to make the experience more secure, specially for forum user's passwords.


    Use this post to report any problem you have with SSL access.


    Cheers :D

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