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Everything posted by mikeparkie

  1. thats great for most cases but what if there is a folder in the archive already with a version number in the name?
  2. I've had that set before but if you don't preserve the folder structure doesn't it break some applications. I guess I need to have a play and see what happens. Thanks for the reply.
  3. Hi there, some of the portable apps I download are set to start when Windows loads, each time a new version is released I have to updated the path to the exe in the Windows startup folder because the first directory in the archive is the appname+version number. My question is how do I extract the portable app into a generic folder name which keeps the folder structure but ignores the version of the program. At the moment I have the following. Save to file {root}\System\{category}\{appname} [{version}].{url:ext} Execute command 7z x "{file}" -o"{root}\Portable Apps\Internet\{appname}" -y Answers greatly appreciated.
  4. One of my rules has broken and I cannot see why. Plainly obvious to most people but i'd appreciate a fix please, thanks in advance. 1. Intel SSD Toolbox URL: http://downloadmirror.intel.com/18455/eng/{installer} Variable 1 (installer): Content from URL regex: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:1Pzb2cG8e2IJ:downloadcenter.intel.com/detail_desc.aspx%3Fagr%3Dy%26dwnldid%3D18455 Regex: (Intel SSD Toolbox - v[\d\.]+.msi) Variable 2 (version): Content from URL regex: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:1Pzb2cG8e2IJ:downloadcenter.intel.com/detail_desc.aspx%3Fagr%3Dy%26dwnldid%3D18455 Regex: Version:</div>v([\d\.]+)
  5. Every time I check for updates, this application says there is an update available but I cannot see why!? URL: http://tvrenamer.com/system/files/tvrenamer_{version}.portable.x64.zip Version: http://tvrenamer.com/downloads Content from started/end: "0.7.beta2" selected Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
  6. Excellent, thanks guys, just what I needed
  7. I promise to do a full read up on regexpression at the weekend but in the mean time can someone help me with this. Download URL is http://www.macroplant.com/release/iPhoneExplorerPC_2100.zip Version is "2.100" from: http://www.macroplant.com/iphoneexplorer/ How do I remove the "." ?? Thanks in advance mikeparkie
  8. I need some help with robocopy. One I have downloaded my portable application, it extracts it to my Portable Apps folder 7z x "{file}" -o"{root}\My Portable Apps\{appname}" -y What I would like to do is then have robo copy, copy the folder to "C:\program files\" The wiki example says: robocopy %temp% "{root}PATH" *.exe /e /b /np So I've copied 'robocopy.exe' into my Ketarin folder. And I'm using: 1. 7z x "{file}" -o"{root}\My Portable Apps\{appname}" -y 2. robocopy "{root}\My Portable Apps\{appname}" "C:\Temp" *.exe /e /b /np But the folder is not being copied over to C:\Temp. Why not? Any pointers would be appreciated
  9. Good shout, I'll stick with date for non version apps. Thanks for the help.
  10. thanks for the follow up and sorry for my delayed reply. I just want to clarify the instructions as I'm going wrong somewhere. I have created a copy of my Ketarin profile so that I can play around with messing up my working version. So in 3rd tab 'commands' I have the following (1) 7z x "{file}" -o"D:\My Downloads\ Temp\00-Ketarin Test\My Portable Apps\{appname}" -y (2) SET COPYCMD=/Y (3) xcopy "{root}\My Downloads\ Temp\00-Ketarin Test\My Portable Apps\{appname}" "C:\Program Files\ztest" /S /V /I /Z couple of side questions 1. Can i use {appname} in the xcopy line? 2. some websites don't contain a version, but the file version does. Can i use the 'File Version' from the 'File Property' again, thanks very much for any help with this excellent app
  11. Thanks Tomorrow, the new url worked as you expected and I was able to trigger the download, so thank you very much for that. I'm stuck on part two of my post. I though it more efficient to use the windows command to copy the folder and its contents but this doesnt seem to be working. The package downloads and successfully extracts to "d:\ my portable apps" but the copy command doesn't copy if over to prog files. Here's what I have in the commend section of the rule: (1) 7z e "{file}" -o"D:\My Portable Apps\{appname}" -y (2) SET COPYCMD=/Y (3) copy /Z /V "D:\My Portable Apps\WinSCP" "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP"
  12. I'm getting to grips with Ketarin and its mostly excellent. I think i'm the problem. I cant seem to get this package to work when i set the url up. Original http://sourceforge.net/projects/sabnzbdplus/files/sabnzbdplus/sabnzbd-0.5.6/SABnzbd-0.5.6-win32-bin.zip/download I've modified to use the version: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sabnzbdplus/files/sabnzbdplus/sabnzbd-{version}/SABnzbd-{version}-win32-bin.zip/download Also when i create a rule to unzip a package to a certain location, what command do i need to use to copy the extracted files to another location. e.g. i download 7zip and it saves it to "d:\my software" and extracts it to "c:\program files\{app name}" but i would also like to exract it to "d:\my portable apps" Hope that makes and thanks in advance for any help.
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