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Everything posted by FNb

  1. I use the version number for change. And it happens when I download the file but only once (so twice in total).
  2. I think it should be built into Ketarin itself.
  3. What's the exit 3 behavior?
  4. Thank you. I didn't know about that!
  5. Sometimes, I want to copy the final download location (to use an external download manager, for resume/acceleration)
  6. In the Edit Variables window, allow sorting of the variables on the left (manually, alphabetically, etc)
  7. Some sites 429 you if you do multiple simultaneous downloads. You can select Do not download this application simultaneously with other applications but this causes the whole queue for all apps to be reduced to one at a time until these apps are finished. There should be a global setting that limits parallel connections per site/domain, so that only apps using this domain are limited while the rest of the apps are still running simultaneously (connecting to other domains).
  8. In the main window: If a column is too narrow, the text is truncated (with ellipsis). My suggestion is to show the full text in a popup when hovering with the cursor.
  9. I try to be consistent with variable names for multiple reasons. Sometimes, I would like to rename a variable (in the left side list of Edit Variables window) but there is no way to do it, I have to delete the variable and fully recreate it with the new name. A workaround is to export the app, edit the XML, then reimport it. But either solution is too much work for a simple rename! Thanks
  10. I think this is overdue.
  11. Some times a release is faulty or problematic. It would be great if there was an option to skip this version (e.g. don't download version 2.0.0-alpha and don't show Update available/yellow icon until the next version is released)
  12. The steps to reproduce: Set Do not download, check for updates only to yes (I am not sure if this step is relevant). Right click on the app entry, click Force download. Wait till the end. Right click the app entry, click Update. Expected behavior: Status: No update. Actual behavior: Status: Update available. Note: This only happens on the first re-check (after download is finished). If you click Update again, it shows No update.
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