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Posts posted by necrox

  1. Google Chrome:


    As you can read here and here, that's the link to the latest version of the "standalone" chrome (link never changed since February 7, 2013). Same way for the business edition (replace ChromeSetup.exe with ChromeStandaloneSetup.exe).






    Version check:



    Link to download page:



    Download url:





    For LibreOffice en-US HelpPack:


    Version check:




    Download url:


  2. No variables at all? Or only global variables? :unsure:


    If it does, then only because the website has a poor UA check and parses the "IE" or "Mozilla" part of your variable name.


    Sourceforge.net for example :D


    Is it possible to set this "feature" on your list for one of the next releases? *friendly-request*

  3. That's strange. It is not the length.

    Using the ie64 variable with Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecki as content should result in a download of a 64-bit version of the software. But it does not work. Using Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecki itself works fine. And is NOT on every download as I figured out. There are only a few web sites not working as expected:


    - Bacula (does not determine the 64-bit version download link as mentioned above)

    - Shockwave (does not determine the version number on http://get.adobe.com/de/shockwave/?platform_dist= with variable as user agent)

    - Java Offline x64 (does not determine the x64 version with variable as user agent)

    - LibreOffice (does not determine download link with variable as user agent)


    Using the user agent string works fine on all of the these links.

  4. It would be nice to be able to use CTRL+T to open the settings window without having the focus on the main window. Sometimes I have to set some settings out of the Edit or Variables window. This doesn't work. I have to bring back the main Ketarin window to use that hotkey...

  5. First of all I don't know if the length is the problem. But that's my guess.


    As you can see below I have a few User Agents as global variables.



    I can't figure out why some of them work as variable and others not. For example the ie64 variable. Using {ie64} with Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecki as string


    is not possible. Using the string itself works fine (see below).




    What is the maximum length for global variables?

  6. I support this request!

    As workaround (not tested yet) you can use one database file per application. You can then start Ketarin with "Ketarin.exe /database=DBFILENAME /silent /exit".
    To end the application before, and start it again after completing the update, you can use the global commands in File -> Settings -> Commands (or CTRL+T).

    There you can choose between "before update" and "after update" -command events. Use batch commands like "TASKKILL /F /IM filename.exe" in the "Before updating an application" -field to kill a running process and "START filename.exe" in the "After updating an application"-field to start the application again.


    Or you can use an extra database for that kind of "check if running, kill the app, install/update & start again" -applications. And instead of using the global commands, you can use setup instructions for every single application.

  7. Your FreeStudio problem:


    For the version you can try this:

    content url:

    (?<=Ver.: ).+?(?=\<)



    And for the download url use this:

    content url:







    And for Adobe Reader you can use this one (for Italian version ;) ). You don't need ftp workarounds with major versions and sub versions. If you're  looking for an english version change the "it" to "us" in the version url and "Versione" to "Version" in the regexcode. And ensure to remove  "it/" from get.adobe.com/it/reader/
    and change the "Italien" to "English"...


    content url:






    download url:

    content url:



    location.href = '(.*?)';


  8. You're welcome!


    You can use this way for Combofix and all the others tools too.


    As far as i know there is no version information for Farbar. My "version" is the download date. Add a new variable called version. Use it as "Textual content" and add {yyyy}{MM}{dd} or whatever you want as version indicator.




    Or you can use {f:yyyy}, {f:MM} and {f:dd} to extract the date values from the downloaded file as shown here: http://wiki.ketarin.org/index.php?title=Special_variables

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