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Karan Rajpal

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Everything posted by Karan Rajpal

  1. Hey, I apologize for the late reply. Been caught up with work. That regex worked perfectly and I thank you for all your help here. I appreciate it!
  2. Hey, Thanks for the help. I updated Ketarin to the latest beta and I got almost everything working. Dashlane, Picard and Unified Remote work perfectly. However, I can't seem to understand how to get etcher working. The github link has a list of versions there and no way to differentiate which is the latest version. I tried coming up with a regex for it using positive lookbehind but I couldn't get it to work as it matched text that was before what I needed. Would you help me with that? I referred to this: http://www.regular-expressions.info/lookaround.html Came up with this: (?<=v)([0-9][0-9]*\.[.0-9][.0-9]*[-.a-zA-Z0-9][-.a-zA-Z0-9$]*) Any idea how I can fix this?
  3. Hey guys, Thanks to you all, I've almost got everything set-up. I just need to get a few more profiles up and running and I'm all set. 1) Dashlane: Can be found here: https://www.dashlane.com/download#downloaded Download link: https://www.dashlane.com/directdownload?platform=win My question is, how do you guys deal with links like this? I get an error saying something along the lines of "the file is not of a binary type". All I'm doing is putting the link in the URL box which I now realize is wrong. 2) Etcher: Can be found here: https://www.etcher.io/ Download link: https://resin-production-downloads.s3.amazonaws.com/etcher/1.0.0-beta.13/Etcher-win32-x64.exe The issue I'm having is that I'm not able to extract the version number from the page. How would you extract it? I found this in the source script> var $defaultLink = JSON.parse("{\u0022buttonText\u0022:\u0022Download Now\u0022,\u0022link\u0022:\u0022https://resin\u002Dproduction\u002Ddownloads.s3.amazonaws.com/etcher/1.0.0\u002Dbeta.0/Etcher\u002Dwin32\u002Dx86.exe\u0022,\u0022mobile\u0022:false,\u0022eventName\u0022:\u0022[etcher website] download\u0022}") var $mobileLink = JSON.parse("{\u0022buttonText\u0022:\u0022Email link to myself\u0022,\u0022link\u0022:\u0022mailto:?subject\u003DCheckout out etcher.io\u0026body\u003Dhttp://www.etcher.io\u0022,\u0022mobile\u0022:true,\u0022eventName\u0022:\u0022[etcher website] email link\u0022}") </script> Apparently, If I replace the unicode number with the corresponding character then \u0022 translates to double quotes and \uoo2D translates to a hypen which then gives me this: {"buttonText":"Download Now","link":"https://resin-production-downloads.s3.amazonaws.com/etcher/1.0.0-beta.0/Etcher-win32-x86.exe","mobile":false,"eventName":"[etcher website] download"} Apparently, that link seems to be working. Although I have no idea how since it doesn't have "beta.13" in the path. My question is this, how can I use a regex to extract that? Or is there a better way to do it? 3) Game Save Manager: Web page: http://www.gamesave-manager.com/?s=download Download link: http://www.gamesave-manager.com/?s=download&a=dl Same issue as 1. I'll probably be able to get this working if you can help me with 1. 4) MuzicBrainz Picard Webpage: https://picard.musicbrainz.org Download Link: ftp://ftp.musicbrainz.org/pub/musicbrainz/picard/picard-setup-1.3.2.exe I'm facing a weird error with this one: MusicBrainz Picard (Post) The specified target path 'E:\applicationsWindows\MusicBrainz Picard (Post)\picard-setup-1.3.2_{f:yyyy}-{f:MM}-{f:dd}.exe' is not valid. I'm using this particular filename format for all my programs: {root}applicationsWindows\{appname}\{url:basefile}_{f:yyyy}-{f:MM}-{f:dd}.{url:ext} but it isn't working well with this one and I'm not able to understand why. 5) Unified Remote Server: Webpage: https://www.unifiedremote.com/download Download link: https://www.unifiedremote.com/download/windows This last one is also seems to be of the same type as 1 and 3. Isn't it? Sorry for the long post. I hope you can help me. I'd really appreciate any help offered. Thanks!
  4. I'll keep that in mind next time. I use Chrome and I did fire up the dev tools there but I couldn't find anything that would help me with this. Maybe I was doing something wrong. Anyway, this is working great so thank you
  5. Has anyone had any luck in creating a successful Plex Media Server profile? The download link is as shown below: https://downloads.plex.tv/plex-media-server/ And it can be downloaded from here: https://www.plex.tv/downloads/#getdownload The issue is that I'm not able to extract the version number from the webpage. Can someone help me out?
  6. It's working just fine now. Thank you!
  7. Didn't really understand much of what you've done here to achieve this but man, thank you! I'll dig deeper into your xml and see what you've come up with. Really appreciate the effort. Thanks!
  8. Hello, I've been trying to set up Ketarin to download IntelliJ but I can't seem to get it to work. It can be downloaded from the page: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/#section=windows and the download link is of the form: https://download-cf.jetbrains.com/idea/ideaIC-2016.2.1.exe The version number is shown on the page but I'm not able to extract it from the source. Must be some sort of script that gets it. Not sure how I can get it, though. Also, It can be downloaded using the link https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/download-thanks.html&platform=windows&code=IIC but when I use this url, Ketarin returns a error saying the file isn't of binary format. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  9. Is this profile working correctly for you? Because it isn't for me. I get a 404 not found error.
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