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Posts posted by JimmysDask

  1. This element is not a relative path that you can edit. The program puts it for you. And if the path (or drive letter in my case) changes and you don't have live Internet connection it ruins unattended installs because it fails the update. If this attribute is corrected the way i do it, ketarin finds the file and it is all ok.


    If you can show me a way that the previous location attribute in the saved XML can be turned into a relative path, it would be great.

  2. Hello to the forum!!
    I have fallen in love with ketarin because of its features that provides to me!
    I had a bad time trying to auto install apps when I was at my clients with ketarin because it was constantly trying to update the file path every time the drive letter changed.
    This is my solution… Maybe not the best but it has worked perfectly fine for me so far.
    Using a tool called rxrepl.exe I replace the drive letter to the corresponding <PreviousLocation> for each application in the  xml file.
    This way ketarin wont bother recheck or update the file when it wont find it in the PreviousLocation position that is used to be. This also solves the problem that if I have no internet connection and it tries to update the application it will fail the hole installation!
    This is the part that makes this happen

    @echo off
    set source=%~dp0
    set rootdir=%source:~0,2%
    echo root directory is     %rootdir%
    %source%/rxrepl.exe --file %source%standard_apps.xml            --no-backup --return-count -a --output %source%/standard_apps.xml       --search "<PreviousLocation>(.*?):"  --replace "<PreviousLocation>%rootdir%"
    %source%/rxrepl.exe --file %source%apps64.xml                            --no-backup --return-count -a --output %source%/apps64.xml                                       --search "<PreviousLocation>(.*?):"  --replace "<PreviousLocation>%rootdir%"
    %source%/rxrepl.exe --file %source%apps32.xml                            --no-backup --return-count -a --output %source%/apps32.xml                                       --search "<PreviousLocation>(.*?):"  --replace "<PreviousLocation>%rootdir%"

    So I can go on and run


    :Standard Apps Install
    echo Installing Standard Apps
    echo (This will take a few minutes)
    title Standard Installer
    start /wait "" "%source%\ketarin.exe" /install="%source%\standard_apps.xml" /exit  /database="%temp%\jobs.db"



    and it will run with no problem.

    I attach my full Ketarin directory so you can tinker with it. My auto install script checks also for windows version and architecture.


    Looking farward for advice to improove upon it!


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