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Posts posted by Sphinx

  1. you should check out this forum on msfn.org





    also from what i found there.. Wise is supposed to work with /s as a silent install commandline (most of the time), might be old into though... i do know that some installer types (can't remember which ones now) will show you the switches is has if you run it with the command /? , but like i said, not all installers do, most probably don't

  2. it says how here http://ketarin.canneverbe.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=3539#p3539


    i'll use your example as an example




    to specify the delimiter you insert it before the array, like this




    even thought the link above references arrayreplace instead of multireplace, i followed the link from the how-to page so i'm guessing that multireplace is used instead of arrayreplace, if not you can just change the words

  3. have you tried using .htaccess to define mime-type?


    if you haven't it might be worth trying, i have no idea if it will work though, just an idea


    here's an example article,




    the article links to mime-types other than those used in the article as well


    cut and paste from the article


    There is one more useful feature of the AddType directive. Most of you most probably know that Internet Explorer opens MS Word, Excell, PDF and some other files inside a browser window. To force the browser to download the file you can use AddType to change the document type:


    AddType  application/octet-stream  .doc .xls .pdf

  4. Hello


    I was wondering if it would be possible to get a silent error setting, as per application


    For instance i have two newspapers I download with ketarin, but one is only released on fridays and one is only released on wednesdays


    so everytime I run ketarin in normal mode (with windows) I get annoying errors, so this setting would be useful for me


    or perhaps another setting, like only update this if it's wednesday, or only update on monday to friday



    if anyone else knows of another workaround for this in the current version of ketarin, please let me know

  5. i download a couple of programs from sourceforge and i don't get any corrupt files..


    this is for KeePass for example, but i use pretty much the same regex for all the others that i download from sourceforge


    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
     <ApplicationJob xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" Guid="06154f43-c976-473c-8078-af52701c5469">
       <WebsiteUrl />
       <UserNotes />
       <DownloadDate xsi:nil="true" />
       <VariableChangeIndicator />
       <HttpReferer />
               <Regex />
               <StartText>Professional Edition</b></big><br />
    <i>KeePass </StartText>
       <ExecuteCommand />
       <ExecutePreCommand />
       <Category>- Säkerhet</Category>
       <PreviousLocation>G:\Program\- Säkerhet\KeePass 2.10\KeePass-2.10-Setup.exe</PreviousLocation>
       <FileHippoId />
       <TargetPath>{programs}\{category}\{appname} {version}\{url:basefile}.{url:ext}</TargetPath>


    the regex code is very simple, but they seem to be working, at least for the moment, i also notice on keepass i don't get version info from sourceforge, but from keepass's homepage, but i guess you can do either if you want

  6. thanks.. but that didn't work for me.. i think their 'acceptance key' changes more often than 'per version', probably per download request, also the page where i click the download link, after the EULA, also changes, i've had a 2 in there and also a 3 in the '?wicket:interface=:2::::' part of the url..


    i get this when trying your template


    SmartGit The downloaded file is not a binary file type (text/html;charset=UTF-8). Possibly there is an error page. Status code: 200 (OK) (http://www.syntevo.com/download/smartgit/smartgit-win32-setup-jre-1_0_4.zip?sf3dfr47cr)


    guess i'll have to get that one manually when they update..

  7. Does anyone have a working config for downloading SmartGIT?


    i've tried and tried but no luck in getting it working..


    the page is here




    i downloaded from softpedia before, but now with the Beta being out, softpedia is being very weird and saying that there is a new version but then downloads the old version instead.


    hope someone can figure this one out.

  8. Hello


    I just thought I'd share a tip on how I update software that doesn't use installers, but may be in use when Ketarin downloads an update, guess the keyword for this tip/technique is in use, since if it's not in use you can just unpack it to the folder where you have your old version.


    In my example I will use Ketarin itself, I also use this for Miranda IM (which has an installer, I know, but I don't use all the plugins so i prefer to use the zip when updating) and Flexible Renamer.


    For this tip/tuturial you will need two other programs in addition to Ketarin, those are PendMoves and MoveFile, two programs written by SysInternals, now bought by Microsoft (they are still free), and they are available here




    After Ketarin has downloaded an update for itself i run this command in the "Execute the following command after downloading:" box


    "C:\program\Winrar\winrar.exe" E -ac -ibck -o+ "{file}" "C:\Ketarin_temp\Ketarin\" && "C:\Ketarin_temp\ketarin.bat"


    This extracts the files to the temp folder I have picked to use, marked in green, you may choose to use a different folder, it's up to you, and of course you can use any unpacking software you choose


    Now after Ketarin has run the command that unpacks the files, it will run a bat file (marked with red)


    This is where MoveFile comes in. In my .bat file, the following commands are run


    cmdow @ /HID
    movefile "c:\program\Ketarin\Ketarin.exe" ""
    movefile "c:\program\Ketarin\System.Data.SQLite.dll" ""
    movefile "C:\Ketarin_temp\Ketarin\Ketarin.exe" "c:\program\Ketarin\Ketarin.exe"
    movefile "C:\Ketarin_temp\Ketarin\System.Data.SQLite.dll" "c:\program\Ketarin\System.Data.SQLite.dll"



    The first part


    cmdow @ /HID


    are optional, what they do it hide the command window (for the cmdow @ /HID command you'll need another piece of software available here)



    The second command




    will tell the command window not to show any text output of the commands that are following



    The first file commands


    movefile "c:\program\Ketarin\Ketarin.exe" ""

    movefile "c:\program\Ketarin\System.Data.SQLite.dll" ""


    will tell windows that on the next reboot, delete these files, these are the old files, then ones you want replaced with new version, now you may wonder why not just copy the files over the old ones, well it's, simply put, because of how movefile works



    The following commands


    movefile "C:\Ketarin_temp\Ketarin\Ketarin.exe" "c:\program\Ketarin\Ketarin.exe"

    movefile "C:\Ketarin_temp\Ketarin\System.Data.SQLite.dll" "c:\program\Ketarin\System.Data.SQLite.dll"


    will tell windows to move the new files from the temp folder into the folder where you had your old files.



    And the last command




    will quit the command window, even if it's not shown




    • This tip/technique will only update your software after a reboot, so it you want a faster update you'll need to quit your running program and update yourself
    • The movefile and cmdow programs must be either in your Windows/System32 folder or in the same folder as your bat/cmd file


    Now you may wonder what you needed the PendMoves program for, well, this command tool will check what files will be moved on the next reboot, which can be of help to you when you write your own .bat/.cmd file to check if you have written the filepaths correct or not (after you have manually run the .bat/.cmd file)


    I hope this may be of use to someone.

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