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Posts posted by EY

  1. I had the same issue a while back: http://ketarin.canneverbe.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=193


    Check out that thread and the step-by-step guide (link at the bottom). I finally got it working, but it's not a "no-brainer" like adding something form the online DB is.


    Good luck.



    This is my first post and before i post my question, flo, awesome job!! what a time saver this is.


    Using ver


    I'll start by saying I know very little about scripts. I know what they do but am lost with the language. I have learned a little by research recently but have barley scratched the surface.


    Problem: I have added apps by going through "add new application">"import from online database" and am having problems getting the portable apps from portableapps.com from working. After I add the app, I have left everything default except for of course choosing the destination path of the file. The error I get is "Invalid URl. The URl scheme is not valid." Then the error message is followed by the variable written in the "edit variables" box.


    As a side note (lets take Firefox Portable for example), in the "Edit Firefox Portable" box, there is a "{v}" in the "URL" line.


    Specifically, I am trying to add Firefox Portable, JK Defrag Portable, and 7-zip Portable. All of these give me the same error.

  2. Thanks again guys, I just finished doing 30 programs from PortableApps.com using that template! Woo HOO!!!


    But, when I tried sharing them, I couldn't get it to work. I tried doing an "update" (thinking that might update the file AND the database), I tried ending the application and restarting, no luck. And I tried one I didn't find already IN the database, so I'm sure that wasn't it. Any pointers? Or am I not waiting long enough?


    Also, I named all of mine "PortableApps-{appname}" to separate them. If that isn't allowed, I would be glad to rename them, share them (if you can tell me how), and then "unshare" them so I can rename them the way *I* want them. Fair enough? I think it's the LEAST I can do since I got so much help from you guys.

  3. Thanks! I was hoping it was something stupid like that (I didn't realize the versions changed so much around here!) Maybe we could get a new feature - a check-for-updates and offer-to-upgrade-upon-startup so you guys don't have to deal with mindless dolts that don't check for the latest versions of a program that checks for the latest versions? Ok, now my head hurts. A nice keg of Bavarian Pilsner might just do the trick!


    Anyway, thanks for the lessons and I'll let you know how it goes! Hope someone else benefited from this too!


    BTW, the link on the main page still says is the latest. Just thought I'd mention that.

  4. Well guys, thank you, this got me a lot further - but I have a few comments:


    1) Highlighting the template's text in Firefox doesn't seem to work very well for some reason. A "drag" doesn't auto-scroll the text box, and clicking-within-the-box then ctrl-A selects everything on the entire page. I reluctantly used IE for that part. At least I got THAT part to work. :)


    2) The UTF-16 thing was a big surprise (I've never done any web dev), but I installed Notepad2 and it doesn't seem to support it. ANSI, Unicode and UTF-8 only. I tried each and tried changing Line Endings to LF only, still no luck. So I tried PSPad too, and it does do UTF-16, but I tried both Big and Little Endian, no luck either.


    3) Explaining the "no luck" comments: After I saved the template from FranciscoR in post http://ketarin.canneverbe.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=1250#p1250 as xml (I tried many combinations of programs, encoding, LF/CR, crossing my fingers), I tried both methods of importing, and I get the same error "Failed to import the file: There is an error in XML document (19,19)."


    4) Is the 19,19 an indication of (line,character) of the error, or am I just missing something obvious? Is there maybe another setting in PSPad that you WebDev types already have changed that is vital?


    5) More apologies from the Noob (that's ME!) for not knowing more about this and dragging you guys down, but I'm hoping there are some lurkers out there that might also benefit from the spoon-feeding you're giving me.


    6) Just in case you're wondering, I'm running Vista 32, Ketarin, PSPad 4.5.3, and FF 3.0.6, and if you guys can get me through this, I promise I'll buy you a beer or twelve at the first annual Ketarin User Conference!



  5. Ok guys, thanks for all that, but I had already found the template and read all I could find. I just can't figure out how to actually USE templates. I created a new application, created a variable, pasted FranciscoR's template into "Textual Content" (only because I couldn't paste in the other two), and tried to replace the Page URL and App name as best I could. No luck.


    Can you detect my level of expertise here? :)


    Is there a step-by-step guide "How to Use Ketarin Templates for Dummies Who Haven't Programmed Since COBOL"?


    I mean, I was hoping for:

    - a step-by-step guide?

    - is "Textual Content" the right place to start?

    - a single place to replace the template's placeholders (the quotes and angle brackets confuse those of us that don't already know what to do).


    Anyway, I do appreciate the help, and I'm up for another round if you guys feel like a challenge!


    Thanks in either case!

  6. Hello - 1st post!

    First of all - I LOVE Ketarin! I've been doing this manually for more years than I care to think about, so this is an incredible time saver for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. To Floele and all the contributors!


    Now, my problem:

    I have around 150 apps working great, but I always seem to get errors from the online database entries for PortableApps.com. For example, the entry for Eraser Portable: I checked the variable, it evaluates correctly to "http://downloads.sourceforge.net/portableapps/Eraser_Portable_5.82_Rev_3.paf.exe?download" in blue. I pasted this into FF and IE, and I get file-save dialog boxes, which I assume is what's causing the error within Ketarin. I get "Invalid URI: the URI scheme is not valid. (<!DOCTYPE html......"


    Can anyone tell me how to fix this please? I just know its something stupid I have or haven't done.


    Especially frustrating because that's one of my favorite sites.



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