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  1. I use Xecutor to do my dirty work, because I could never get it working correctly with Windows. Funny because I asked about that and got denied from Floele as you did. Also any way Ketarin can auto update to the latest build all by its lonesum?
  2. I have never had much luck with Windows Task Scheduler. Thanks anyway.
  3. I think their should be a check mark in settings that will allow you to auto close Ketarin as soon as it updates. That way when I have it task schedule it won't have multiple instances running like it is happening now.
  4. I hate to be beating this to death, but I was wandering how difficult it would be to setup in Settings an option that would say: Run Update Every 1,2,3... Hour, Week... Where the number and Hour, Day, Week, Month would be a drop down box. And when Ketarin was running it would check using the system time and however long the program was running, and force an "Update now" command. And thank you so much for the Minimize to Tray! TERRIFIC THAT AN AUTHOR WOULD LISTEN TO ITS USERS!!! Now if only Micro$haft could do the same. So far Windows 7 is running well. Let us hope it stays that way... ---Edit--- One more thing, perhaps a "Run at Startup" where Ketarin would run at Windows Startup. Not sure how many people would be interested in that, but now that it has a tray icon why stop their!
  5. I found the variable and how to use it at CDBurnerXP, sorry but I did not get it at first, but now completely understand. Anything but schedule? Keep up the great work floele!
  6. Two requests: 1) Minmize to Tray - I find that it takes a while to try and find all my updates and having it sit their while I wait for it to finish. I could use the program MiniMe which would do similiar functionality, but why not add it to the list. 2) Schedule to Check for Setup Update - I know this is more work for you guys, but if you combine the Minimize to tray and scheduling together, basically when Ketarin is running to automatically check every hour, day, week, or month to parse through the list and see if there are updates. I have a file server at home and to have this feature would be killer. And yes I know I COULD use Windows Task Scheduling, but having it built in would be so much better. This feature should be a lower priority, but something to think about down the road.
  7. I am sorry for all of this, but I am new to Ketarin, but from what I see I already told most of my tech friends, and at least some absolutely love it! Can we expect to see maybe a database of sites or files that have static downloads? There are just those few files that I can not seem to get. And also if you export your list to an .xml file will that file be affected by future updates? I would assume no, but who knows what major changes will come around. Only "{version}" seems to work, and not {Version}. And it only seems to work on filehippo downloads. Which is fine, but is their anyway to get version numbers on those files that may not have them? Because I would prefer to download say the Slim version of CCleaner which is available here: http://www.ccleaner.com/download/builds/downloadbinslim , but Ketarin does not pick up the version number. Also filehippo does not carry 64-bit builds. Sorry for the stupid questions. Just want to see what can or cannot be done. Are there a list of commands available? Can a list of such commands on the main page or somewhere else and where what command can be implemented? Time to love Ketarin! Thanks for the awesome support guys!
  8. I really like the idea of this software, and as well as it being open-source, but I was wandering what could make this software better! Most of the features I see in it are very doable and useful. This will save a lot of work, and was thinking of making my own software to do this, but as I am not a coder it would take forever. I was hoping that, hopefully soon, you could setup custom naming conventions. Basically when the file downloads it will either a) rename the file with the version number appended, as many pieces of software do not have a version number just ei:"setup.exe" or some other name that is hard to distinguish or create your own custom tags that would be appended to the file name, such as "CCleaner v#.##.#### where the file name would be replaced by "CCleaner v2.15.815" rather than "ccsetup215.exe" as the download. I do not think this would be very difficult to implement, as when Ketarin checks for version numbers and downloads it, no? And also could settings be saved in a .ini file? Where are the settings currently stored in? "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Ketarin\jobs.db"? Anyone else think this would be a great idea? And I am sorry if a topic of this was already said, did not search that in depth. ---Edit--- I just read that jobs.db can be stored in where Ketarin.exe is stored and will be read. I think this should be standard just to avoid confusion for those that want to make this portable easier. And also I was wandering if Ketarin updates will that affect the jobs.db?
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