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Posts posted by MadDog

  1. The most difficult thing for me was figuring out how to access the online database. And I'm not kidding. :P I was using Ketarin some days, and still wondered how to access it this online database I read in the forum about. And then finally I saw the pull down menu next to "Add new application". :rolleyes:


    How can I add software to Ketarin it is not in filehippo.com


    Try the online database. If your software is there, see the definitions and learn how it's done. If not, and you have no idea how to do it, just post the application name + URL in the forum.

  2. Thanks for sharing. :)


    This is very much the same I did, but while I copy/pasted the regular expression from appyface's tutorial, you wrote own ones. The one getting the version number is very neat.


    Using a template is of course nicer than copy/pasting. Thanks also for the info how to turn an export into a template.



    I've a question about the global variable redir1. What is it doing? The download works without it just fine.



    > new template for BetaNews FileForum...


    Sounds interesting. I'd like to see it, of course. Perhaps create a new thread "Share your templates"... ?

  3. [h]Edit:

    With version and template importing (see Template section of the forum) this how-to is more than obsolete. Admin, Mod, feel free to erase this thread. :)[/h]




    I don't know when Ketarin learned to use functions and variables in the "Edit variables" window, but this opens endless possibilities. Like downloading from MajorGeeks. Yay! I thought I write a quick how-to, as it isn't that obvious.


    Improvements are more than welcome!




    I want to download Realtek Drivers for Vista.



    [h]Global Variable "majorgeeks"[/h]


    First, go to File/Settings and create a global variable majorgeeks


    Enter file=9


    This selects the MajorGeeks mirror to be used. Use the download mirror you usually use.


    file=15 Majorgeeks mirror FL - USA

    file=10 ... TX-USA

    file=11 ... TX-USA

    file=9 ... FL-USA


    (Do not enable "share this application with others" if you use a global variable. If you want to share this application with others, hardcode the file=.. string in the URL variable.)




    [h]Variable "version"[/h]


    Add a new application and click on Variables.


    Create a variable version and load the URL you get from Majorgeeks:


    URL: http://www.majorgeeks.com/Realtek_High_Definition_Audio_for_Vista_d5513.html


    Select the version number using "use selection as start / end".


    The result should be: 2.14




    [h]Variable "dl_help"[/h]


    Create a second variable dl_help.


    Select Content from URL (Regular Expression)


    Use the Majorgeeks URL: http://www.majorgeeks.com/Realtek_High_Definition_Audio_for_Vista_d5513.html


    Regular expression: (?<=downloadget.php\?).+?(?=")


    Result should be something like: id=5513&file=1&evp=9b4a172533b10c552baab558f5d72a2a




    [h]Variable "dl"[/h]


    Now finally create variable dl


    Select Content from URL (Regular Expression)


    URL: hxxp://www.majorgeeks.com/downloadget.php?{dl_help:split:&:0}&{majorgeeks}&{dl_help:split:&:2} (note: replace hxxp with http)

    Regular Expression: (?<=URL=).+?(?=")


    Result should be: hxxp://files1.majorgeeks.com/files/30ee748d38e21392de740e2f9dc686b6/drivers/Vista_R214.exe




    Well, that's it. Click OK, right-click into the "Download Source URL:" field and select {dl}.

  4. [h]Syntax for functions[/h]







    version = 9.1.15

    {version:replace:.:} = 9115

    {version:replace:.:-} = 9-1-15




    version = " 9.1.15."

    {version:trim} = 9.1.15.

    {version:trim:.} = " 9.1.15"

    {version:trim: .} = 9.1.15




    version = 9.1.15.

    {version:trimend:.} = 9.1.15

    {version:trimstart:9.} = 1.15.




    download = http:\\TEST

    {download:toupper} = HTTP:\\TEST

    {download:tolower} = http:\\test





    version = 9.1.15

    {version:split:.:0} = 9

    {version:split:.:1} = 1

    {version:split:.:2} = 15

    {version:split:.:0}-{version:split:.:1} = 9-1



    [h]Example #1[/h]


    version = 9.0




    results in





    [h]Example #2[/h]


    version = 4.2.9




    results in





    [h]Example #3[/h]


    version = 9.1.15 build 963


    c:\MyFiles\Applicationname_{version:split: :0}b{version:split: :2}.exe


    c:\MyFiles\Applicationname_{version:replace: build :b}.exe


    results in



  5. I downloaded the version from the other thread and gave it a try. Thanks for implementing this function. I was afraid "split" would be a too complicated function, but now it's there. This really solves all issues someone can have with version numbers. Now, where's the Donate button? :D


    (edit: moved my test examples to tutorial...)

  6. I'll add trimstart and trimend, both with and without parameters.


    Thanks again for implementing functions. Seeing your regex example from some other thread, I learned most can be done with various regexpress variables, but functions are still nice to use.


    I'm wondering how to use Trimstart/Trimend. I can't figure it out. Could you give me an example, please?



    Here's another idea for a function: {variablename:split:argument1:argument2}



    Version =

    {version:split:.:1} = 9

    {version:split:.:3} = 151

  7. No doubt, Ketarin is a great, great, great, great, great tool for system builders. :D


    However, I hope it's not getting too big. I have a feeling some webmasters wouldn't like what Ketarin is doing (downloading without seeing the webpage/ads/banners/...) and could make it difficult to download using Ketarin (like majorgeeks). :/

  8. I think, if you change the download location and don't move the setup file, Ketarin should download the file again. After all, this is the main purpose of the program: Keeping your setup files current and not keeping a log if you ever downloaded a file.


    That way, if you have it set to start downloading updates as soon as it's started...


    Then you can click cancel and edit the profiles, or use a tool like SQLite Database Browser to change your job database before starting Ketarin.

  9. While doing another test, I might have found a bug, or something.



    I've used the new variable:replace command in following profiles (uploaded to the database):


    Realtek High Definition Audio for 2K/XP/03

    Realtek High Definition Audio for Vista

    Opera (International)


    Trying to update the Realtek profiles, if the file already exists, results in an error, the progress bar keeps looping or it downloads again.


    Trying to update Opera works always. If the file exists, it won't update. No error.


    I'm wondering if there's a bug in Ketarin, or if the Realtek servers are just stupid?

  10. Hi,


    thanks for the responses.


    I'm afraid I'm too dumb for regular expressions. :/ It's too complicated for me.


    But thanks for the nice and simple approach!



    > Ops, didn't I post a link!?


    I was just trying out the new features with, but couldn't get it working. While writing a "duh? It doesn't work" reply, you posted the new version. :)



    I changed the URLs and these two work fine:


    version = 2.13

    Download URL:




    So, thanks. This modification helps a lot. :cool:



    For suggestions, adding





    would be great. But not specifing a count length, but a character. Because then even quite complicated URLs could be generated and would still work if the major/minor version changes. (Like version 10.01)




    Version = 9.0


    {version:trimleft:.} = 9

    {version:trimright:.} = 0


    The URL for Acrobat Reader (German) would be




    ( ....://ardownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/win/9.x/9.0/deu/AdbeRdr90_de_DE.exe )

  11. Hi,


    just wondering about the proper way to get version numbers. I've a number of downloads where the version number on the webpage is seperated with a period, but isn't in the filename.




    Realtek High Definition Audio for Vista (uploaded to the database)


    The downloadfile is


    The version number on the website is 2.13


    I put "2" in variable v1 (startsearch "Realtek High Definition Audio Codecs for Windows Vista ", endsearch ".")

    And I put "13" in variable v2. (startsearch "Realtek High Definition Audio Codecs for Windows Vista 2.", endsearch "<")


    The downloadurl is:{v1}{v2}.exe


    It works, but will of course stop working if the major version number (2) changes, as it is hardcoded in the search. I'm wondering if anyone knows a better download/search definition to get such downloads.


    (The solution of all problems would be of course to use previous variables in start/end search, but this is probably way too complicated to implement.)


    Oh, btw: Ketarin rules! Probably the best freeware tool I found in 2008. :)

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