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SQL Enlight
By Guest, 11/01/2014
  • Updated:

File Details

  • Website URL http://www.ubitsoft.com/products/sqlenlight/index.php
  • User Agent
  • Category SSMS Addin
  • User Notes SQL Enlight SQL Enlight provides a fast, automated way to ensure that your T-SQL source code fits to your predefined design and style guidelines as well as best coding practices. With its help, you can easily analyze, identify and quickly resolve potential design and performance pitfalls in your SQL Server databases.

(Show)XML Contents

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    <UserNotes>SQL Enlight
SQL Enlight provides a fast, automated way to ensure that your T-SQL source code fits to your predefined design and style guidelines as well as best coding practices. With its help, you can easily analyze, identify and quickly resolve potential design and performance pitfalls in your SQL Server databases. 
    <DownloadDate xsi:nil="true"/>
      <SetupInstruction xsi:type="StartProcessInstruction">
            <Regex> (?<=version..)(\S+)(?=\<)</Regex>
            <StartText>version: </StartText>
            <StartText>download" value="</StartText>
    <Category>SSMS Addin</Category>
    <Name>SQL Enlight</Name>



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