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GDATA BootMedium
By Guest, 10/31/2014
  • Updated:

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  • Category Anti-Virus
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            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <ApplicationJob xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" Guid="cf79e3b2-c00f-4b4e-a510-6f3cda6b29a5">
    <DownloadDate xsi:nil="true"/>
            <StartText>Windows user account that is infected. As the FakeAV “System Tool� shuts down all user initiated programs which do not have any kind of ‘reserved’ name, like explorer.exe, winlogon.exe or svchost.exe and many more, the file name for the G&nbsp;DATA&nbsp;FakeAVCleaner is svchost.exe</p> <a href="http://blog.gdatasoftware.com/blog/article/fakeav-scams-do-not-stop.html">more information...</a></p></div><div class="span1 align-center pull-right"> <a onclick="ga('send','event','download', 'fileadmin/01_public/Products/Tools/svchost_int.exe');" href="https://public.gdatasoftware.com/Products/Tools/svchost_int.exe" title="Download now: G DATA FakeAVCleaner &quot;System Tool&quot;"> <i class="icon-download-alt icon-big"></i> </a></div> </article> <article class="row"> <header><h4><i class="icon-file-exe"></i>&nbsp;<a onclick="ga('send','event','download', 'fileadmin/01_public/Products/Tools/INT_GD_USB_KEYBOARD_GUARD.exe');" href="https://public.gdatasoftware.com/Products/Tools/INT_GD_USB_KEYBOARD_GUARD.exe" title="INT_GD_USB_KEYBOARD_GUARD.exe" target="_blank">G DATA USB KEYBOARD GUARD</a>&nbsp;(11,35 MB)</h4></header><div class="span11"><p>The USB KEYBOARD GUARD is an add-on that protects you from the most likely form of USB attack - USB devices pretending to be keyboards. If a new keyboard is detected by the system, access is initially denied and a pop-up is displayed. You can then check in your own time whether this really is a keyboard, and either grant or deny access permanently. You can download the software for free.</p></div><div class="span1 align-center pull-right"> <a onclick="ga('send','event','download', 'fileadmin/01_public/Products/Tools/INT_GD_USB_KEYBOARD_GUARD.exe');" href="https://public.gdatasoftware.com/Products/Tools/INT_GD_USB_KEYBOARD_GUARD.exe" title="Download now: G DATA USB KEYBOARD GUARD"> <i class="icon-download-alt icon-big"></i> </a></div> </article> <article class="row"> <header><h4><i class="icon-file-dmg"></i>&nbsp;<a onclick="ga('send','event','download', 'fileadmin/dam_qs/SECURITY2014/INT/GDAVMAC/GDRAVMAC_2.30.7_release.dmg');" href="http://qsmirror.gdatasecurity.de/qs/WEB/SECURITY2014/INT/GDAVMAC/GDRAVMAC_2.30.7_release.dmg" title="GDRAVMAC_2.30.7_release.dmg" target="_blank">G DATA ANTIVIRUS FOR MAC - UNINSTALL</a>&nbsp;(164,18 MB)</h4></header><div class="span11"><p>Download this setup file to uninstall the previous version of G DATA ANTIVIRUS FOR MAC. Please open the file and start the uninstall process.</p></div><div class="span1 align-center pull-right"> <a onclick="ga('send','event','download', 'fileadmin/dam_qs/SECURITY2014/INT/GDAVMAC/GDRAVMAC_2.30.7_release.dmg');" href="http://qsmirror.gdatasecurity.de/qs/WEB/SECURITY2014/INT/GDAVMAC/GDRAVMAC_2.30.7_release.dmg" title="Download now: G DATA ANTIVIRUS FOR MAC - UNINSTALL"> <i class="icon-download-alt icon-big"></i> </a></div> </article> <article class="row"> <header><h4><i class="icon-file-iso"></i>&nbsp;<a onclick="ga('send','event','download', 'fileadmin/dam_qs/SECURITY</StartText>
    <TargetPath>F:\Software\System\Antivirus\Rescue CDs\</TargetPath>
    <Name>GDATA BootMedium</Name>



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