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~~~Vikunja Desktop (x64)
By Guest, 02/13/2022
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File Details

  • Website URL https://vikunja.io
  • User Agent
  • Category офис (office) / задачи (tasks)
  • User Notes Vikunja Desktop (x64) a to-do app to organize your life https://vikunja.io Vikunja is an Open-Source, self-hosted To-Do list application for all platforms. It is licensed under the AGPLv3. Think of Vikunja like the notebook you have with all your things to keep track of. But with superpowers. - Stay organized Organize all of your tasks in lists. Put lists together in a namespace to keep related stuff grouped together. - Collaborate with peers Vikunja lets you easily share a list or a namespace with another user or a whole team! You can also assign tasks to people so everybody knows who's working on what. - Use it how you need it You can show your tasks in the classic list view - each task underneath each other. Or you can use the Gantt view to get a time overview. Or Table view to show all details you need. Or Kanban if you want that birds-eye view of the status of all current tasks. - We will never look at your tasks. We will never sell your grocery list or meta data. Because privacy matters. Don't take our word for it, check it! Vikunja is openly licensed under the AGPLv3. - Tasks Tasks are not only simple tasks. You can let Vikunja remind you of tasks when they're due. Never miss an important deadline again! Remember that thing you have to do every week but can't get the hang on? You can set tasks to repeat in a time interval, letting Vikunja remind you of important weekly or monthly tasks. Vikunja also lets you split a task in multiple subtasks for easy progress tracking and more satisfaction when crossing them off the list! - Built for speed. We built Vikunja with speed in mind - every interaction takes less than 100ms. No more loading spinners. Because a productive tool should not get in your way. - Kanban board Vikunja lets you organize and prioritize your tasks in a kanban board. Quickly get an overview of the status of things - especially when collaborating with multiple people on a project. Each card on a board represents a task in Vikunja. All tasks can be added through the usual ways and will then show up in the kanban board where they can be easily rearranged and reordered. Import your tasks from Todoist, Trello or Microsoft To-Do Because work does not happen in one tool only. Other Features: - Labels Effortlessly mark tasks with a colorful label to find and group relevant tasks with a click! - Saved Filters Create a filter with only the tasks you care about. Save it once, use it always. - Priorities Know that feeling when you have a dozen things to do but can't decide on what to work next? Vikunja lets you quickly prioritize your tasks, so you'll always know on what to work next. - Delegation Assign tasks to other users or yourself so everyone always knows who is responsible for which task. - Attachments Attach files to tasks, so you can always have all related files for a task in one place! - Relations Relate different tasks together - even if they're not on the same list! A relation can be multiple things, for example a subtask or blocking task. - Due dates Remember these tasks with a deadline coming up? Set a due date for a task and see all tasks with upcoming deadlines at once! - Share links You can share a list with a link so that others can directly see or edit all tasks on a list but don't need to create an account. Share links have all the same rights management as sharing with users or teams. - CalDAV Vikunja comes with a calDAV-integration which lets you use the tools you already use and love.

(Show)XML Contents

            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <ApplicationJob xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" Guid="4bbda866-ed95-48b4-a68e-089f3770d85c">
    <UserNotes>Vikunja Desktop (x64) 
a to-do app to organize your life
  Vikunja is an Open-Source, self-hosted To-Do list application
for all platforms. It is licensed under the AGPLv3.
  Think of Vikunja like the notebook you have with all your
things to keep track of.
  But with superpowers.

 - Stay organized
  Organize all of your tasks in lists. Put lists together in
a namespace to keep related stuff grouped together.

 - Collaborate with peers
  Vikunja lets you easily share a list or a namespace with another
user or a whole team! You can also assign tasks to people so
everybody knows who's working on what.

 - Use it how you need it
  You can show your tasks in the classic list view - each task
underneath each other. Or you can use the Gantt view to get a time
overview. Or Table view to show all details you need. Or Kanban
if you want that birds-eye view of the status of all current tasks.

 - We will never look at your tasks.
  We will never sell your grocery list or meta data. Because
privacy matters.
  Don't take our word for it, check it! Vikunja is openly licensed
under the AGPLv3.

 - Tasks
  Tasks are not only simple tasks. You can let Vikunja remind you
of tasks when they're due. Never miss an important deadline again!

  Remember that thing you have to do every week but can't get the
hang on? You can set tasks to repeat in a time interval, letting
Vikunja remind you of important weekly or monthly tasks.

  Vikunja also lets you split a task in multiple subtasks for easy
progress tracking and more satisfaction when crossing them off the

 - Built for speed.
  We built Vikunja with speed in mind - every interaction takes
less than 100ms. No more loading spinners.
  Because a productive tool should not get in your way.

 - Kanban board
  Vikunja lets you organize and prioritize your tasks in a kanban
board. Quickly get an overview of the status of things - especially
when collaborating with multiple people on a project.

  Each card on a board represents a task in Vikunja. All tasks can
be added through the usual ways and will then show up in the kanban
board where they can be easily rearranged and reordered.

  Import your tasks from Todoist, Trello or Microsoft To-Do
  Because work does not happen in one tool only.

  Other Features:
 - Labels
  Effortlessly mark tasks with a colorful label to find and group
relevant tasks with a click!

 - Saved Filters
  Create a filter with only the tasks you care about. Save it once,
use it always.

 - Priorities
  Know that feeling when you have a dozen things to do but can't
decide on what to work next? Vikunja lets you quickly prioritize
your tasks, so you'll always know on what to work next.

 - Delegation
  Assign tasks to other users or yourself so everyone always knows
who is responsible for which task.

 - Attachments
  Attach files to tasks, so you can always have all related files
for a task in one place!

 - Relations
  Relate different tasks together - even if they're not on the same
list! A relation can be multiple things, for example a subtask or
blocking task.

 - Due dates
  Remember these tasks with a deadline coming up? Set a due date for
a task and see all tasks with upcoming deadlines at once!

 - Share links
  You can share a list with a link so that others can directly see
or edit all tasks on a list but don't need to create an account.
Share links have all the same rights management as sharing with
users or teams.

 - CalDAV
  Vikunja comes with a calDAV-integration which lets you use the
tools you already use and love.
    <DownloadDate xsi:nil="true"/>
            <Regex>(?<=<title>Chocolatey Software .*?)[0-9.]{2,}</Regex>
            <Regex><a href="/desktop/([0-9.]{2,})"></Regex>
    <Category>офис (office) / задачи (tasks)</Category>
    <Name>~~~Vikunja Desktop (x64)</Name>



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