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Universal Extractor (Portable) (Unofficial)
By Guest, 11/22/2014
  • Updated:

File Details

  • Website URL http://www.lupopensuite.com/db/universalextractor.htm
  • User Agent
  • Category Compression Tools
  • User Notes [Description] It allows you to extract files from many types of archive files, including ZIP, RAR, ARJ, LZH, MSI, EXE created using various installer packages such as Wise, Inno Setup, NSIS etc. It is great for testing apps for portability because you can extract files directly from installer packages without having to go through the installation process. Official Universal Extractor can be found at http://legroom.net/software/uniextract [Download Sources] http://www.lupopensuite.com/db/universalextractor.htm [Installer Type] 7-zip [Changelog] http://www.lupopensuite.com/files/uniextract_unofficial_changelog.txt [Usage] Extract and Run ---------- corrections and improvements are welcome - @DHT (Ketarin forums)

(Show)XML Contents

            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <ApplicationJob xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" Guid="90d5b45b-cd7a-4ae3-8324-a42181b0b785">
It allows you to extract files from many types of archive files, including ZIP, RAR, ARJ, LZH, MSI, EXE created using various installer packages such as Wise, Inno Setup, NSIS etc. It is great for testing apps for portability because you can extract files directly from installer packages without having to go through the installation process.

Official Universal Extractor can be found at http://legroom.net/software/uniextract

[Download Sources]

[Installer Type]


Extract and Run

corrections and improvements are welcome - @DHT (Ketarin forums)</UserNotes>
    <DownloadDate xsi:nil="true"/>
      <SetupInstruction xsi:type="StartProcessInstruction">
            <Regex>(?<=\(v)[\d\w. ]{1,}(?=\))</Regex>
    <Category>Compression Tools</Category>
    <TargetPath>{download_path}\{category}\{appname:regexreplace: \(.*\):}\{appname} (v.{version}).{url:ext}</TargetPath>
    <Name>Universal Extractor (Portable) (Unofficial)</Name>



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