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  1. Thank you very much floele. I last used ketarin at 1.7 I just updated the version and i get this error. Can somebody help me? Thanks
  2. Necrox could you send me your skype username or fb to talk? Thanks
  3. Yes the slim version always they upload it after 2-3 days. Can someone help me with the columns as i said on the previous post? Thanks in advance and Merry Christmas!!!
  4. Thanks necrox. I think it fixed. I have another question now. I want to creat a column near the version column the will say Downloaded Version. How can i do this? Now i have only a column version with {version} value. Example: CCleaner Downloaded Version: 5.00 | Version: 5.01
  5. Today i went on my other computer and i try to do this thing with the commands. But The commands aren't working if i press the update on a app. But if i go to commands and run sepperatly they are working. Is there any way to fix it? Thanks
  6. Thnx for your reply necrox. I want to do something like this: I have a folder named CCleaner 4.19.4867 inside this folder i have the setup and one License.zip. The thing i want to do is when i press update to remove the old folder and setup and download the new version CCleaner 5.00.5050 placed CCleaner 5.00.5050/ccsetup500_slim.exe and CCleaner 5.00.5050/License.zip. I hope u understand my example. How can i do this? Thanks in advance
  7. Thnx for your reply to my topic. Do you have skype or fb to ask 1-2 more questions? Thanks. Send me your profile to pm. Thanks again.

  8. Hello guys. I want to do something special. I want to copy medicine for apps to temp and then move it again to the new setup folder. I have tried something but it doesnt work. Can somebody help me? I have used these commands. Before Downloading MOVE /Y "{file:directory}\Patch.exe" "%temp%" After Downloading MOVE /Y "%temp%" "{file:directory}\Patch.exe" I think i should change the "file:directory" to something else.
  9. Thanks for the final version. I have a problem. Some software cant be downloaded and some of them are downloading fine from filehippo. I use this location {category}\{appname} {version}\{url:basefile}.{url:ext} and i put a varriable version to filehippo site to check the version. How can i fix this? Also on my main list with the software how can i see the latest versions in Application Column? Thanks And finaly if someone has a fine list with software can u upload it here? Thanks in advance.
  10. Hello Guys. Before 2-3 months i found Ketarin. I think its the best software i've seen but it takes too many hours to fix it up. These days i want to create my own database but i dont know where to start. I read many topics of the forum and how to... but it worth. First of all, i want to do this (example: Cleaners/CCleaner (Version)/ccsetup(xxx).exe). How can i do this? Could somebody share with us a database? Thanks in advance!!! and sorry for my english.
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