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C#/Batch Scripting Query


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TextWriter ins = new StreamWriter("instructions.txt");

// write a line of text to the file

// close the stream


Not a coder so if the above seems ridiculous my apologies. Above is what I attempted in C# but don't know anything about C#


I am attempting to essentially apply the following logic to all my programs.


There is no "install separately" feature in ketarin, only 'exclusive download'. I only require it as there are some things I use Ketarin for that have dependancies or AHK installs.


I am trying to attempt that if there is an update available then


if "{property:ExclusiveDownload}" EQU "True" echo "{property:SetupInstructions}">"{appname}".bat


Obvious problem being that "{property:SetupInstructions}" doesn't exist


Basically I get to download everything happily and then in the 'after all downloads complete' I would just put in


call all batch files in exclusive downloads folder

after they are all complete then delete the folder/batch files


Any tips?

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I swear Flo mentioned this at one point, but I can't find it addressed. SetupInstructions requires special handling to access, and that's what's throwing the wrench in your script. Even then, the way you're writing it, it wouldn't work since your output would randomly switch back and forth between C# and Batch.


Maybe put these items in a special category "zz Post-Update" and then sort them by category before running updates?

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