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Exit 2 not ending the script


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This piece of code use to work fine



::Keep this if your file cannot be installed and/or downloaded automatically and needs to be processed after Ketarin finishes
for /f "tokens=*" %a in ('wmic path win32_VideoController get Name ^| findstr "ATI"') do set displaydriver=%a
if defined displaydriver exit 2
START CMD /C "ECHO {appname}: This applications installation will start after you hit any key, wait for Ketarin to finish & PAUSE & "{file}""


But I had to change it to this because it kept processing the rest of the script regardless of the exit 2

::Keep this if your file cannot be installed and/or downloaded automatically and needs to be processed after Ketarin finishes
for /f "tokens=*" %a in ('wmic path win32_VideoController get Name ^| findstr "ATI"') do set displaydriver=%a
if defined displaydriver exit 2 else (START CMD /C "ECHO {appname}: This applications installation will start after you hit any key, wait for Ketarin to finish & PAUSE & "{file}"" &)



Is this intentional? I relied on exit 2 in a bunch of scripts as it just ended the script and 'exited' then and there.

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12/11/2011 7:07:08 PM: Nvidia Driver (Win7 x64): Executing command: for /f "tokens=*" %a in ('wmic path win32_VideoController get Name ^| findstr "ATI"') do set displaydriver=%a
12/11/2011 7:07:08 PM: Nvidia Driver (Win7 x64): Executing command: if defined displaydriver exit 2
12/11/2011 7:07:08 PM: Nvidia Driver (Win7 x64): Executing command: START CMD /C "ECHO Nvidia Driver (Win7 x64): This applications installation will start after you hit any key, wait for Ketarin to finish & PAUSE & "Z:\Software\Automatically Updated\Driver\285.62-desktop-win7-winvista-64bit-english-whql.exe""


This is on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. I'm not sure why the OS would matter as it worked pefectly fine before. It seems to be with the if defined concept of the batch file and doesn't actually check it.

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