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Empty variables considered successful update


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I only recently discovered that none of my sourceforge apps were updating due to site changes on their end, which is (annoying) fine.


However the problem is more that I use a variable {download} where I get the actual filename from and the regex expression returns nothing beacuse of sourceforges changes.


However ketarin still gives me a green check mark "Successful update!" and keeps on going. I only noticed because 3 of my SF apps still found stuff from the regex and returned errors. I checked my others and voila.


So my {download} variable is empty essentially because it doesn't find a filename (none to be found on the page I originally assigned to it) but Ketarin still says "all is ok, no update needed".


Using the latest version for reference sake




Just confirming I have a few other apps with empty variables as the download pages have changed yet Ketarin is still returning "Successful update". Wouldn't have known otherwise. Does ketarin not empty variables completely? As an example if I put a global variable in the sourceforge HTTP referer however define it as empty/nothing it still fails. However I delete that variable and the download works fine. It would explain why it is still saying the URL is ok because at laest something is there not returning an error message specifically.

Edited by Omniferum
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