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Updating files with unchanging names


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I've looked through the tutorial, but cannot figure out how I would go about adding a program such as MyUninstaller http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/myuninst.html or ColorMania http://www.blacksunsoftware.com/colormania.html which has a link and file-name that doesn't change. How can I get (is it even possible?) Ketarin to detect an update to the file even though its name remains the same when it is updated?




Edited by Mindstormer
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Great. :D


One other thing I've been having trouble with is example 3 from here: http://cdburnerxp.se/help/kb/20 and incorporating it into installers such as this one: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=AD724AE0-E72D-4F54-9AB3-75B8EB148356&displaylang=en


I followed it as best I could, but am getting a (400) Bad Request error.

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This is more tricky, but possible.


The problem is, that both the file name and location change on a regular basis. Thus, you'll have to extract a fresh download location every time.


Create a variable "filename". From the page http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=AD724AE0-E72D-4F54-9AB3-75B8EB148356&displaylang=en extract everything between "window.open('" and "'".


Then, use "{filename}" as download URL.


I've also added this application to the online database now.

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