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Is there still no way to automatically export commands to an xml?


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I have made a script that checks for directories and makes them if they are not present. Then exports and backs up the apps list and copies the Database file to a backup folder. Also creates a log file in the Backup directory. I also would like to export the commands to an xml to make a backup. I see you can export the commands manually to a file. Is there no command to do this automatically?

Here are the PowerShell commands I am currently using. 

if(!(Test-Path -path $directoyPath))  
    New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $directoyPath      

if(!(Test-Path -path $directoyPath))  
    New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $directoyPath      

if(!(Test-Path -path $directoyPath))  
    New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $directoyPath      

if(!(Test-Path -path $directoyPath))  
    New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $directoyPath      

if(!(Test-Path -path $directoyPath))  
    New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $directoyPath      

Copy-Item -Force -Recurse -Verbose '~\AppData\Roaming\Ketarin\jobs.db' '.\Backup\DataBase\jobs'

Start-Process ketarin.exe {/export=Backup\ExportAppList\ExportList.xml /log=Backup\Logs\Logfile.txt}


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  • 1 month later...

"Automatically" in the sense that it happens on a regular basis, without user interaction, or via some form of switch? As I'm sure you know, /export includes the app commands as well as all other app-specific properties.

I suspect you might actually be talking about the global commands. If so, they're included in your jobs.db backup, but you can export those to an external file using Sqlite, DB4S, powershell with an sqlite assembly, or your favorite SQLite editor:

SELECT `SettingPath`,`SettingValue` FROM `settings` WHERE
`SettingPath` IN (


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