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Execution order arrangement


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Every few months I find an app that hasn't been updating at all because {preupdate-url} is not resolving to anything (I use a {download} variable in that field) and I have to perform some manual investigation. I'm sure most people use their own variable to populate the Download Source URL.


Currently Ketarin will only run 'before updating an application/before downloading' commands if Ketarin detects that there is something to download. If it doesn't find anything, or fails to determine the file to download as downloadable, then it just fails and no commands are run.


I'm aware Ketarin needs to determine variables and if there is anything it can do, but it 'fails' and exits the job without bothering to check pre-update commands.


Scenario is basically this.

if " {preupdate-url}" EQU "" START CMD /C "ECHO {appname}: Unable to resolve download URL, investigate & PAUSE


All variables are populated, but nothing is done with them because of it.



Is it possible to put the execution order of Ketarin 'fail' as after the pre-update commands, or some sort of allowance/option in the main menu or per-app that can inform someone that the {preupdate-url} variable is empty?


This falls mostly under a maintenance feature so offering full-blown scripting for pre-fail commands might not make sense and a simple "does {preupdate-url} contain a slash, a dot, and at least a letter or number?" check.

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