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"Required" flag for variables


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Hi, Flo!


There have been a number of apps lately that have released new builds but changed their websites at the same time (AIR, YOURLS, Thunderbird, Firefox, XBMC, wordpress.org, Unreal, Synergy and many more).


Since their sites changed, the version capture didn't resolve.


Since the version capture didn't resolve, the ability to detect the new download URL didn't resolve.


Since the download URL didn't resolve, the application never updated in Ketarin even though a new version had been released.


I'd like to have the ability to flag a variable as a prerequisite ("required"). If that variable is empty, I want Ketarin to report that this app failed just as it does when the domain can't be resolved or the content isn't an expected type. In the error report it should say something like:

mySpiffyApp | The required variable 'version' could not be parsed.


At the very least it would help me get on top of apps that have changed their sites and I wasn't aware. Yes, it would require me to edit each of these apps (once) to add a 'required="true"' to the profile (or check the box on the variable page), but this would save me SO much time in the long run.


Pretty pretty please?

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