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Exclude FileHippo from online database?


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Hi all,


I noticed that there is a huge amount of applications in our database which are just "defined" by a FileHippo ID, so quite trivial actually. I don't think that these applications are worth sharing, because they distract from those applications which are *not* trivial. For example, search for "Flash" and you will find that most applications are just "flashplayer_firefox", so nothing special at all.

What do you think?

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What are "good" FileHippo applications? Except for an ID and the application name, there is not much that can be good or bad.


The duplicate entries are - for the most part - FileHippo entries. One possible solution could also be to restrict the number of uploaded applications to 1 per FileHippo ID.

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Well, for me, a "good" entry is the entry which is:

1) Properly named

2) Works

3) Works fast

4) Contains a {version}


I can see a reason why FileHippo entries aren't worth keeping but still I think it's easier to just type the app name and click OK to add an application rather than going to FileHippo, copying a link, pasting a link and clicking Add :) Maybe I'm just lazy though.


The duplicate entries are - for the most part - FileHippo entries. One possible solution could also be to restrict the number of uploaded applications to 1 per FileHippo ID.

If I were you I would go even as far as allowing one application per unique download URL. If app names differ but download URL is the same you reject the entry. I understand that the method is not 100% reliable due to dynamic URLs but it will at least reduce the amount of duplicate entries.

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