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  1. The issue isn't just with downloading new software though, it's with multiple queries. So if I have 3 softpedia updates queued, and it checks all three of them in succession and they don't require downloading, it won't trigger the pre/post download commands and you still get locked out.
  2. I have recently had a problem where softpedia will lock out your IP address temporarily if you request too many successive downloads from them. Which sucks since I have about 20 downloads that rely on softpedia. This happens even though I have them download sequentially, instead of simultaneously. I want it so when I hit "update all", it'll finish one download, then wait a certain amount of time (adjustable) before it starts the next. With any luck, I can hit a spot where the lockout stops happening. As far as I can tell, there is no way to do this currently. The "timeout" in the settings is only waiting for unsuccessful connections, which does not fit this use case.
  3. Also thanks for ketarin, I have set it up with a ton of tools and it has basically replace ninite for me (and then some). Cheers.
  4. Fair enough, my regex stuff is very hacky, I'm slowly learning the syntax, but god is it unfamiliar territory compared to traditional programming languages.
  5. I'm the same way, I prefer direct downloads when possible. However, softpedia somehow stays rediculously on top of their software versions (they must use their own automated method I think). Like, I rarely see softpedia be more then a day behind the author. Also, softpedia hosts some software that isn't available online. A good example is macrium reflect, which requires a download manager to download from the official website, but softpedia hosts offline versions. How would you suggest choosing a different option? EDIT: figured it out, need to use a lookahead. you can choose which version for the download variable like so: (?<=window.location='(.+?)')[^[0-9]{2,}]*?x64.+? Sorry if that regex is ugly, I'm still stumbling around with it. "x64" matches the description in the popup title for the link you want (I could have also matched "Softpedia Secure Download (EU) - x64", but x64 will probably be the most constant).
  6. Is there a method for doing so? I would like to add it to my ketarin, there is a ton of installers that softpedia maintains (including drivers and the like not found in other places).
  7. For those of you struggling to parse a version number from a webpage, you generally can get it easily from softpedia. They have 99% of the software out there, they are very quick to stay on top of updates, and it's very simple to parse the link. Just use the following format and then the correct link. <span class="nv_appver fl mgright_20" itemprop="softwareVersion">([0-9.]{2,}) example: Now if it was only easier to download updates from them.
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