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Posts posted by GioAran

  1. Just found out solution for this. I've changed this line in ExternalServices.cs in FileHippoDownloadUrl function:

    string downloadUrl = GetFileHippoBaseDownloadUrl(fileId) + string.Format("download/{0}/", overviewPage.Substring(pos, 32));


    string downloadUrl = GetFileHippoBaseDownloadUrl(fileId) + string.Format("download/{0}/", overviewPage.Substring(pos, 32)) + "?direct";

    After compilation everything seems to be working fine. Hope this (or better solution) will be added in the new official Ketarin release.


    Pls Andarium can you post a download link of your recompiled exe? Thx!

  2. Here is the new exe: http://drivehq.com/file/DFPublishFile.aspx/FileID1733632306/Key9qhpprhyrnpe/Ketarin-170b2-u5.zip

    And the new source (revision 461): http://drivehq.com/file/DFPublishFile.aspx/FileID1733632305/Keyyw6hasdge4g9/ketarin-rev461-changes2.zip

    This is basically the same as u4, just replaced the array with the dictionary.


    You are my hero kazso! without you I doubt that we would find a quick solution to the new filehippo layout. Thx a lot again ;)

  3. Ketarin shouldn't download it again. I'll add cdex to my list and check it.


    Found the problem already. CDex 1.51 (which is the only non-beta version) has no MD5 hash listed on the Techincal page (http://filehippo.com/download_cdex/tech/403/). Without this Ketarin will always download the application, unless you set a variable as indicator for changes, for example version. If you don't set anything, then Ketarin will always look for the MD5 hash as indicator.


    Thx kazso, i've reported the problem to filehippo, with the right checksum for the file, wish they could fix this soon on their site ;)


    I made some changes to 1.7.0 b2 (revision 460), so the 'avoid beta' option seems to work correctly now :) And it's a bit faster too.

    Uploaded the exe, so others could try this modified version as well: http://www.drivehq.com/file/DFPublishFile.aspx/FileID1720826603/Key4sytdgj0rrvj/Ketarin-170b2-u1.zip (i finally managed to compile the code ;) )


    And here are the source code changes for revision 460: http://www.drivehq.com/file/DFPublishFile.aspx/FileID1720824913/Keyuqxucekptrx4/ketarin-rev460-changes.zip

    I modified 2 files: Updater.cs and ExternalServices.cs



    1. Added a new global variable called nonbetapageurl (private static string nonbetapageurl = string.Empty;). This was needed to speed up the non-beta detection process.
    2. Added the method ClearNonBetaPageUrl, that clears the nonbetapageurl variable (called from Updater.cs).
    3. Changed the GetNonBetaPageContent method to speed up the non-beta detection process (skip FileHippoGetAllVersions, if we already have the URL for the non-beta version).
    4. Changed the FileHippoGetAllVersions method (this part has the most changes). First we detect the number of version history pages (regex class="pager-page-link">(?!.*class="pager-page-link">)(\d+)</a> ). Then start downloading these pages until we find a non-beta version. When it's found, then update the nonbetapageurl variable and stop downloading the version history pages. If we don't find a non-beta version (a program or driver could have only beta versions), then Ketarin will download the latest beta version.


    1. Added a new method call ExternalServices.ClearNonBetaPageUrl(); after LogDialog.Log("Update finished");. This would clear the nonbetapageurl variable after an application update.



    7-Zip x64 FileHippo ID '7-zip_64' does not exist.
    7-Zip x86 FileHippo ID '7zip_32' does not exist.
    CDex FileHippo ID 'cdex' does not exist.
    LibreOffice FileHippo ID 'libreoffice' does not exist.
    uTorrent FileHippo ID 'utorrent' does not exist.


    I have this problems with the new exe. These are just my errors? Others feedback?


    Thx a lot kazso for your effort

  5. This workaround is the same as creating a custom {url} and {version} if you wanted to download it directly from the creator's website. You are just using FileHippo's instead. Though that's nice, it doesn't save any time in having to redo all of the packages that use FileHippo. An update to Ketarin or a better workaround would be best, or at least easier and less time-consuming.


    Thanks for the tip though.  :-)



  6. I have noticed this as well. First I saw FileHippo's new design, which I greatly dislike compared to their old design. The next day I tried to update my packages (almost 100 of them) and most had updates which I thought was strange. That's when I knew it was something with FileHippo.


    I hope there is an update sometime soon for this, or some sort of workaround, as I'd hate to have to redo most of my packages to use other sites.


    Thanks for your hard work and any updates.  :-)


    Also i wish in a rapid fix or a workaround. Thx

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