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Everything posted by Omniferum

  1. for /F "tokens=1-3" %a in ('wmic path Win32_LocalTime get Day^,Month^,Year ^| findstr 2') do set dmy=%c set /a old=%dmy%-2 if {property:LastUpdated:regex:(\d\d\d\d)} LSS %old% start cmd /c "ECHO Re: {appname} - This program has not been updated for two years, your settings may be incorrect or the program may no longer be recieving updates && PAUSE" That's a batch command that will achieve what you want, however i've tested putting it in the global "before updating an application" and "before download" and it never triggers. Maybe floele just made different wording for the same function, before updating to me indicates before even checking if there is an update.
  2. If you want a message to pop up with a 'hit any key to continue' START CMD /C "ECHO God I love Pineapple && PAUSE" Or if you just want a message START CMD /C "ECHO God I love Pineapple"
  3. I've never really used trim or trimend but looking at the wiki the trim command seems to be only for characters, not whole words. Because they end in d, removes the d as it is at the 'end' of the string. I'm sure if you did {appname:replace: rde_DE Setup:} you would get Mozilla Thunderbi Still I think my second suggestion is closer to what you actually want anyway. However if you use my first all you'd need to do is place important program notes in curved brackets and you wouldn't have to specify {appname:replace: ilikemilk:} for every single app and just use {appname:regexreplace: \(.*\):}
  4. Just as an alternative you may prefer to use curved brackets in your app name. So like Mozilla Thunderbird (en_US Setup) and then use {appname:regexreplace: \(.*\):} It's what I do for extra notes regarding the app, like if it is 32 or 64-bit, portable, english etc. Also you may just want to use {appname:replace: de_DE Setup:} Seeing as you are defining the entire string you want removed another command may work just as well.
  5. Just thought i'd share something that I use seeing as I have a LOT of apps this helps me as I don't have to manually find and close everything. This should work for XP and upwards. All this does is exit all the programs that Ketarin would update. To make it work for you, just change <putyourpathorportabledriveletterhere> to whatever your usual path ketarin installs its programs to. My install path is a global variable so it is easier for me. For example you might dump it all to \KetPrograms\ Use the below command (make it into a .bat file or put it in the execute before updating menu option) for /f "tokens=1 delims=." %a in ('wmic process get Description^,ExecutablePath^,CommandLine ^| findstr .exe ^| findstr <putyourpathorportabledriveletterhere> ^| findstr /V cmd.exe ^| findstr /v explorer.exe ^| findstr /v notepad.exe ^| findstr /v findstr') do taskkill /f /im "%~na.exe"
  6. To answer your question . is a wildcard character in regex. To make your regex treat . as the period symbol (or any special regex character as literal) you need to apply \ before it. Examples \. \( \? \* Regardless there is no real need for you to set version, that page only posts the latest version. .*\.\.([^"']+\.zip) That'll do what you want it to do.
  7. Yes, i'm aware of the ways one can do things in order to achieve the same goal. My point is i'm not sure of the reason behind having jobs.db being created anywhere else in the first place, Ketarin doesn't do any registry writes so placing a vital file somewhere else seems odd.
  8. What would serve the same purpose is having a global setting of "time between retries" There is one for connection timeout, just adding one for this purpose might be an easier solution
  9. I'm sort of confused here. More what does your wrapper actually add? You only need to have a jobs.db file in the ketarin root folder for it to be perfectly portable save some .net dependencies.
  10. Instead of having the new jobs.db being created in the appdata/userprofie directory (forget which one) is it possible just to have Ketarin dump it in its own directory? I'm fairly sure that is what most users do anyway. Seeing as it is inherently portable (well beyond the whole .net thing) it seems logical.
  11. On an additional note it doesn't timestamp the "Last Updated" column either. The values are always blank.
  12. I do have a regex for newbies guide on here, fairly sure I explained these questions there.
  13. download tags are usually surrounded by either ' or " If the match 'included' them you would have an invalid download url It helps narrow down searches as they are characters that obviously cannot exist within a valid download URL Again most downloads start with either the = " ' characters
  14. All it does is go start with http and end in .zip but no match the string if it contains " or ' or _ [] means match whatever is in the brackets doing [^] means anything in that brackets should not be matched.
  15. http[^"'_]+\.zip Because life is fun
  16. I meant why does it view html encoding of %2F as invalid?
  17. So long as where you download the files to, in your case let's say D:\StandardInstall, stays constant as a path (Drive letter unimportant) Ketarin shouldn't have a problem. If you move it from D:\StandardInstall to D:\Pony\StandardInstall it will have a problem. But from D:\StandardInstall to G:\StandardInstall would be fine. Ketarin doesn't look for your files wherever they are, only where it knew where they were last. Sorta dependent on folder locations though. If you added {startuppath} to your download location to make {startuppath}StandardInstall Then you wouldn't ahve to worry about anything assuming you had the folder structure of Control\ketarin.exe Control\StandardInstall Then you could move the control folder wherever you wanted to.
  18. Yeah, i'm not sure to be honest. You'd think a widely used program like winrar would follow standard practices, kinda annoying to be perfectly frank.
  19. Looks like Ketarin couldn't find the local files on your computer so tried to dl them instead to install. When you hit the install button Ketarin first goes Check for local file - > file not found so i'll download OR file found i'll proceed with instructions. You may have moved all your folders to a different location than where Ketarin originally downloaded them to.
  20. Ketarin checks file size and date, which most websites publish for their downloads within the links themselves. Out of almost 200 apps i've only had to set one app to be 'version check variable', but that is for a specific build of winrar. Otherwise trust Ketarin to know best, it has worked for me so far. Variable version checks do nothing beyond telling Ketarin "Awesome! you can download now" you can however use the variable assigned to name the file you download further if you really really want it to.
  21. Out of curiosity can the update all be run via adding a little C# script? I've whittled the issue in my Ketamon down to needing to run the update twice before exiting (So far no problems after much testing) To automate this i'd rather just add a C# script to the "after all updated" window to re-run it one more time then exit. I don't know anything about the language so its limitations are unknown to me, batch can't achieve this so meh.
  22. Version moving didn't help. Changed some XML tags from xsi:nil to valid values, still not working. However it seems that if I run the update all twice per opening of the ketamon I so far haven't encountered the problem. Before I just opened it once then closed it. Running the update twice, no problem it would appear. I've tested this several times, it seems to be the problem. It seems like an exit 2 and monitor variable for changes issue in combination. So perhaps it doesn't store the variable changes information because of exit 2, but the variable is stored but doesn't get saved again until the 'update' is run again forcing the re-check.
  23. For the Gigabyte stuff just generate an RSS page using their page http://www.gigabyte.com/service/rss/rss.aspx You can paste the generated RSS page into Ketarin and extract the download link from there. Asus uses Captcha, no idea how you will get that to function and their RSS is poop
  24. Yeah, problem is though the only way to add exclusion strings (That I know of) is to put stuff like 4 in this [^] To make [^4] And add those around until you have all the exclusions you need in the exact spot you need, sorta inelegant but such is life.
  25. That would be annoying as all buggery. Still this one will work so long as 4 is at the end of the filename for the 64bit version [^"'=]+[^4]\.msi
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