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Posts posted by jokerfool

  1. If we go back 5+ versions it used to work very well even with FH, but after FH crashed and now the malware I stumbled across on FH, I don't really go there. Ket has changed and now just seems to be more complicated and the only people that really know how to drive and use it are the developers rather than making it user friendly. As for what application, its random.

  2. When you open the database and add something, is it possible that once its been added to your main database that when you open the online database again whatever you added previously doesn't show up in the online list again?


    The list shows content that goes back to 2014 which funny enough is Google Chrome in the Top 50, but if I search Chrome it shows 2019, how come this hasn't updated?



  3. @floele If it didn't happen 4 years ago then its long overdue and very unlikely to happen now. The coding alone for multihosts does seem like a massive overhaul. I've scrubbed FH completely out of the application as it just keeps bugging out, Filehorse looked sim to FileHippo, I tried to change everything from what was running in FH to the horse but ended up with some errors on downloading the file. so I've left it at that.


    Thanks for the reply.

  4. @shawn

    The issue with the 7za file is happening again since the last update which FileHippo is now all messed up.

    '7z' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

    Yes I downloaded the 7 from the extra


    NVM yet again my error. Can you check out the FileHippo mess please.

  5. This is just one of the applications


    Advanced IP Scanner	The operation has timed out (https://filehippo.com/launch_download/?token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkb3dubG9hZFR5cGUiOiJpbnRlcm5hbERvd25sb2FkIiwiZG93bmxvYWRVcmwiOiJodHRwczovL2RsMy5maWxlaGlwcG8uY29tL2Q0Ny85M2MvOTdiNGExZDM2Y2JiMzliM2U3NmE2MGRkZTE4MmE5ZDdhZC9BZHZhbmNlZF9JUF9TY2FubmVyXzIuNS4zNzg0LmV4ZT9jaGFubmVsPVdFQiZpZF9maWxlPTEyYzAzMDdlLWRlNzUtNTk0OS04YjgwLWYyMzMwZmRiMGZlMSZpbnN0YW5jZT1maWxlaGlwcG9fZW4mdHlwZT1QUk9HUkFNJnVybD1odHRwcyUzQSUyRiUyRmZpbGVoaXBwby5jb20lMkZkb3dubG9hZF9hZHZhbmNlZF9pcF9zY2FubmVyJTJGJkV4cGlyZXM9MTU1OTMxMDk5MiZTaWduYXR1cmU9UXFVbHp0Y09mVGVUdVE5SUMtSHEzYjd-eU9KSTBmQkJmV1l-QWFwNVJ0aVotMFE1RS1uanFRflVRRWV3ZnNzenREdjdpb20ta2VTemgzZFllZFBjQ0JPT09CUEYtUEhrSS0xOFE2aG9COUhsYWhHdEhsaTNxajY4T0k5WlA3dXM5Q3N1OUktZUpjRTVtbnJld35wfnZyU0xtfkhEZ0o5RzFWbUEwUDNnSTA4XyZLZXktUGFpci1JZD1BUEtBSlVBNjJGTldUSTM3SlRHUSZmaWxlbmFtZT1BZHZhbmNlZF9JUF9TY2FubmVyXzIuNS4zNzg0LmV4ZSIsInByb2dyYW1JZCI6IjEyYzAzMDdlLWRlNzUtNTk0OS04YjgwLWYyMzMwZmRiMGZlMSIsImlhdCI6MTU1OTI3NTE0OCwiZXhwIjoxNTU5Mjc4NzQ4fQ.1u-_cYtpvwocXazHVWuVrYbapFbclCmd9olH_khIcpQ)


    So the error:

    6/1/2019 12:20:40 PM: Update started with 1 application(s)
    6/1/2019 12:20:40 PM: Advanced IP Scanner: Using referer: (none)
    6/1/2019 12:20:50 PM: Advanced IP Scanner: Failed, The operation has timed out
    6/1/2019 12:20:51 PM: Update finished


    Yet posting that URL let's you download the file.

    WireShark is https://filehippo.com/download_wireshark/64/


    If you paste it into Ket it comes up wireshark and leaves out the /64 then says:


    5/31/2019 2:08:57 PM: Update started with 1 application(s)
    5/31/2019 2:08:59 PM: FileHippo ID 'wireshark/64' has been renamed to 'wireshark'.
    5/31/2019 2:08:59 PM: WireShark x64: Failed, FileHippo ID 'wireshark' does not exist.
    5/31/2019 2:08:59 PM: Update finished

  6. Other than only being restricted to just FileHippo but also being allowed to download from FileHorse, softpedia, majorgeeks, software.informer, just other sites like filehippo so its not just limited to one host, a variety would be nice.

  7. Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
    Error		Dieses Projekt verweist auf mindestens ein NuGet-Paket, das auf diesem Computer fehlt. Verwenden Sie die Wiederherstellung von NuGet-Paketen, um die fehlenden Dateien herunterzuladen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter "http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=322105". Die fehlende Datei ist "packages\System.Data.SQLite.Core.\build\net451\System.Data.SQLite.Core.targets".	Ketarin	d:\Boot\Downloads\Ketarin-master\Ketarin-master\Ketarin.csproj	664	

    Odd, anyway just copied the packages over and it works now, thank you.

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