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Everything posted by floele

  1. It doesn't? Please show me an example. Well, this is actually the modified version of the text
  2. It's not that simple. The filter analyses all words, calculates a whole lot of probabilities and by combining all these, it generates a number from 0 to 1 which represents how likely it is that you want to read a particular news item. And btw, it actually works. I'm using it myself for a while now, and so far I'm satisfied with the results. I guess at some point, but I suppose that's not a priority for the start. Sure, we can certainly put the results into an RSS feed. But for now, I'm rather focusing on the unique part (the filtering) and will get to fancy stuff like that a bit later. Though this one is one of the more important features.
  3. Like that? Or how would you make the statement more clear? We could add a section "how stuff works", but for the start I'd rather not want to annoy users with details on the algorithm. The filtering is actually similar to spam filtering. Already tried OPML? You can actually expand a news item by either using the keyboard (works the same way as Google Reader) or clicking on anywhere on the item except for the link. Feel free to tell me more about the habits you are missing.
  4. Hi everyone, I have already indicated that I'm (with a friend) working on a new project, which shares a few similarities with Ketarin. For that reason, I'd like to introduce it here first, and would appreciate getting your opinions. Questions: Is it evident what the site offers? Is it simple to understand how it works? Any question marks popping up in your head when trying to use it as new user? Do you like it? What is still missing: - An icon. Coming soon - Detection of duplicate / very similar news items. Coming soon too. - Some error handling For programmers: The site is based on Symfony (PHP) and uses a Java application as backend for analysing and downloading news. Thanks for your comments!
  5. I wouldn't know a simple solution currently.
  6. This is intentional, since "url" is not known at this point.
  7. May be a referrer or cookie issue. I like it btw that sf.net is actively working on the design lately. It has been sucking for quite a long time now
  8. I made a few additional changes now to 1.0.7.
  9. Oh, actually you are right with that. Then again, I rather prefer the consistent behaviour.
  10. > 1.Couldn't we replace ALL matches of each match group? Will do that for the next version. > 2.Couldn't we make $n optional ? It is. > 3.BTW, any specific reason for this function to be case-sensitive ? This is a bit confusing. It just gives you more possibilities.
  11. Fine. C# is not one of the programming languages used for it :-p
  12. You only escape the slashes and white space, if it belongs to the path or file name.
  13. I'm currently wondering what you are trying to achieve with .? Basically, {appname:regexreplace:[^A-Za-z]:.?} means replace a non-letter with ".?".
  14. Yep, it's on my TODO list And actually, I'm not only busy with CDBXP but also with the new project I mentioned earlier. Seems promising though.
  15. I'm not sure. How should I determine when to actually process the regex without making it complicated for me or the user?
  16. I believe it would be easy for me if you send me your database. Shouldn't be hard to fix.
  17. If the regexes are a problem, I can't do much about it.
  18. Maybe you corrupted the whitespace? It also matters
  19. @FranciscoR: Will fix it for the next version. I'll add the Program_Version element to the next release as well.
  20. +Version information is now automatically extracted from PAD files +Variable "startuppath" *Ctrl+U allows updating disabled applications if only one is selected *{file} can now also be used in custom columns. Caution: {file} is no longer enclosed in quotes within commands automatically. !Fixed an Exception when trying to rename a file !Fixed a ProtocolViolationException (invalid dates) !Applications were not saved correctly to the database anymore v2: *Function "regexreplace" now replaces all matches *Function "regexreplace" now CI as well as all other regular expressions !Fixed an unhandled WebException http://ketarin.canneverbe.com/downloads/Ketarin/Ketarin-1.0.7.zip
  21. Thanks I guess I'll just let you know you here when there's some beta ready to test. It'd certainly be great if a couple of guys like you provide some feedback. No obligations though.
  22. I currently have a rather limited amount of time again, so I'm not going to implement all your suggestions now. Let me mention a few points though: - Shortcut for edit: Use Enter. - I will add a variable "startuppath" for the next version. - The variable for custom column is only meant to contain a variable name, nothing more. - PHP Script: I guess so. Depends on what you actually mean with "invoke". - I'll fix your bug for the next version. - If you really want to donate or send me a letter, check http://cdburnerxp.se/ [contact, download] Thanks for your comments!
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