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Rats onThe Boat (rats-search) (x64)
By Guest, 06/17/2021
  • Updated:

File Details

  • Website URL https://github.com/DEgITx/rats-search
  • User Agent
  • Category интернет (internet) / torrent
  • User Notes rats-search BitTorrent P2P multi-platform search engine for Desktop and Web servers with integrated torrent client. BitTorrent search program for desktop and web. Collect and navigate over base of torrents statistic, categories, and give easy access to it. Work over p2p network and support Windows, Linux, Mac OS platforms. Features: - Works over p2p torrent network, doesn't require any trackers - Supports own p2p protocol for additional data transfer (like search between rats clients, descriptions/votes transfer, etc.) - Search over torrent collection - Torrent and files search - Search filters (size ranges, files, seeders etc...) - Collection filters (regex filters, adult filters) - Trackers peers scan supported - Integrated torrent client - Collect only statistic information and don't save any torrents internal data - Supports torrents rating (voting) - P2P Search protocol. Search in other Rats clients. - Web version (web interface) for servers - Top list (mostly common and popular torrents) - Feed list (Rats clients activity feed) - Translations: English, Russian, Ukrainian, Chinese - Drag and drop torrents (expand local search database with specific torrents) - Descriptions association from trackers

(Show)XML Contents

            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <ApplicationJob xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" Guid="408a89d6-c2a9-4604-88b8-daf05cd7f515">
    <Category>интернет (internet) / torrent</Category>

  BitTorrent P2P multi-platform search engine for Desktop and Web servers with integrated torrent client. 
  BitTorrent search program for desktop and web. Collect and navigate over base of torrents statistic,
categories, and give easy access to it. Work over p2p network and support Windows, Linux, Mac OS platforms.

 - Works over p2p torrent network, doesn't require any trackers
 - Supports own p2p protocol for additional data transfer (like search between rats clients,
descriptions/votes transfer, etc.)
 - Search over torrent collection
 - Torrent and files search
 - Search filters (size ranges, files, seeders etc...)
 - Collection filters (regex filters, adult filters)
 - Trackers peers scan supported
 - Integrated torrent client
 - Collect only statistic information and don't save any torrents internal data
 - Supports torrents rating (voting)
 - P2P Search protocol. Search in other Rats clients.
 - Web version (web interface) for servers
 - Top list (mostly common and popular torrents)
 - Feed list (Rats clients activity feed)
 - Translations: English, Russian, Ukrainian, Chinese
 - Drag and drop torrents (expand local search database with specific torrents)
 - Descriptions association from trackers
    <DownloadDate xsi:nil="true"/>
            <StartText><a class="border-0 no-underline Label--success" href="/DEgITx/rats-search/releases/latest">Latest release</a>


      <ul class="d-none d-md-block mt-2 list-style-none">
        <li class="d-block mb-1">
          <a href="/DEgITx/rats-search/tree/v</StartText>
            <EndText>" class="Link--muted css-truncate" title="</EndText>
            <Regex><a href="([^"]+-portable.win.x64.zip)"</Regex>
            <Regex><include-fragment loading="lazy" src="(https[^"]*)"</Regex>
    <Name>Rats onThe Boat (rats-search) (x64)</Name>



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